Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Love Compatibility - Sagittarius

Both of you are curious individuals, rather restless and on-the-go. You can expect your lives together to be very active, with lots of changes, probably frequent moves, adjustments, surprises, and new challenges. These changes will bring lots of ups and downs, but overall both of you will be greatly enriched by these diverse activities and interests.

Sagittarius is more philosophical and had grander plans than Gemini, who takes each step as it comes and finds more pleasure in the little things in life. Sagittarius enjoys being on a crusade or mission for some philosophical reason or for personal gain, while Gemini finds Sagittarius's dreams and schemes entertaining and interesting. You often see things from a different perspective, but usually you can benefit from each other's viewpoint and you are adaptable and flexible enough to listen to each other and benefit from each other.

Personal freedom is important to both of you and you are likely to find it in this relationship. Even if you are always together you do not cling to, or smother, each other. On the whole you are very compatible.

You have a great rapport, and your emotional needs coincide very well. Personal freedom and mobility mean a lot to both of you, and neither of you wants to possess or be possessed totally. You share an unending curiosity and mental restlessness, a love of books and movies and ideas, an urge to travel, to meet different kinds of people, and to discover new things.

You are both playful and humorous, though Sagittarius is more philosophical, idealistic, and optimistic than Gemini. Gemini's humour can be rather black at times. Both of you are also rather intellectual and need an intelligent, communicative partner. You are very companionable together and are likely to enjoy a very satisfying friendship in addition to whatever romantic attachment you have.

Wit, intelligence, and an active mind are attributes the two of you share, and in your relationship there will be a focus on communicating, bantering, a lot f verbal give and take. Both of you tend to be the dominant one in any discussion or debate, and you may find yourselves competing with each other in your discussions. This most likely will not be a major problem, but both of you would do well to step back and truly listen to one another.

Intellectual interests and/or hobbies are apt to play a significant role in your relationship.

You will experience the heights and depths, love and hate, attraction and repulsion, agony and ecstasy in this relationship.
A powerful, compelling fascination and irresistible sexual attraction draws the two of you together like magnets. You love each other with a depth of feeling that is surprising even to yourselves. The powerful charismatic power that you have over each other can be used to manipulate one another, and dominance, control, or jealousy easily becomes hot issues between you. Whether this is a brief passionate encounter or a lifelong attachment, you will change one another profoundly.

Although sexual magnetism between you is very intense, you both may be somewhat uncomfortable by the overwhelming feelings or obsessive quality that you engender in one another. Even if you are repulsed or disinclined to become close to one another, there seems to be an irresistible attraction bringing you together. Power struggles, emotional or sexual manipulation, and disruptive jealousy may be problems you encounter in this relationship. Whatever develops, this relationship will touch your depths and change you profoundly.

You both have the talent for being farsighted about new directions and experimentation with love making, oral sex may appeal to you, or you may with to make love impulsively at the office, in the car, or anywhere that is convenient. Both of you wish to lead the relationship, which can at times be confusing.

The romantic love and sexual attraction for each other is very compelling and deep. You wield a powerful, charismatic influence on each other and your love affair is a powerful one. This could be one of the most fulfilling, all-consuming relationships of your life!

Enormous benefits, expansion, success, and growth come to both of you through the vehicle of your relationship. You'll be blessed with unusual good fortune and fulfilment, both materially and in less tangible ways. Most of all, you will feel that you have plenty when you are together. Instead of seeing limitations, you'll be able to see possibilities for an expanded life, opportunities that you may have missed before. Religion, philosophy, or higher education may become a focus in your relationship, even if neither of you is especially inclined that way.

You increase one another's optimism and broaden one another's viewpoints, opening up much more of the world to one another. Long distance travel or making connections to other parts of the world can be a part of this.

Essentially, your relationship is about increasing growth, freedom, and expansion in your lives. Much success and fulfilment are generated when you are together.