Moon Influence
In many respects, the Moon personality is one which a person keeps hidden and may even represent a nature considered to be somewhat disturbing, uncivilized, primitive or animalistic. In short, the Moon personality is an individual's inner core...the area which experiences hate and jealousy, is brooding and fearful and may indulge in fantasies that a person will deny even to himself or herself. Nonetheless, this Lunar influence is usually a somewhat subtle one, relating to a personality which is beneath the surface. It can also reveal much regarding the manner in which an individual was nurtured and cared well as how he or she perceives his or her mother.
In a horoscope reading, the Moon modifies the Sun sign, bringing into play new forces, different motiviations and special elements to the character of an individual's Sun sign. The effect of a person's Moon sign can significantly decrease or increase the tone of a Sun sign. Since the Moon itself is feminine, its influence seems to affect females more strongly than it does males. In the man, the strength of the Moon influence tends to indicate senstivity more than any other facet of the personality. The Moon travels through all twelve Zodiac signs during every twenty-eight days.
If it is not known in which Moon sign Gemini was located at the time of birth,
this information may be determined by clicking on the "Astrolabe" link below.
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Moon in Aries
The Aries Moon is an unstable and uncomfortable Moon, since Aries is a Fire Sign and the Moon rules Cancer, a Water Sign. This is a gregarious, generous and optimistic Moon, where opinions are decisive and forceful. The Aries Moon is also a high-strung and controlling Moon, as well as being spontaneous, energetic, friendly and honest. It suggests an aggressive attitude, quick temper, impulsiveness and brutally forthright behavior...the tendency to act through emotion rather than reason. The attitude of the Aries Moon is restless and risk-taking.
In general, those with the Moon in Aries are likely to be spontaneous and excitable. Such individuals are also militantly hostile in their expression of anger and maybe be prone to periods of irritability. These are self-reliant characters who want to have everything their own way, refusing to be pushed around by anybody. Those with the Moon in Aries are self-disciplined and balk against any who would impose discipline upon them. These characters are usually either intensely liked or disliked by others due to their impulsive behavior. Moon in Aries individuals like to take charge and will probably rise to positions of authority in their chosen careers. Being natural leaders, they set the pace and terms for themselves and will likely chose their own vocations, regardless of any advice offered by friends and relatives. The relationship between an individual born with the Moon in Aries and his or her parents may be a difficult one since there is a distinct lack of both sympathy and communication. The actions of these individuals are perceived by others to be impulsive and unexpected. The Moon in Aries is a good sign for those who enjoy originality, adventure, independence and a military life. Such persons may be attracted to studies in the occult or mysticism and possess a great desire to harbor secrets. Impatient, with the need to act immediately and consider the consequences at a later date, those with the Moon in Aries find it difficult to understand opposing viewpoints. These are quick-thinking characters with a love of the instantaneous and a tendecy to become bored with minor practical details. Straight-forward in nature, the Moon in Aries person is very much a "what you see in what you get" type of individual with a wonderfully warm heart most of the time and a desire to comfort those in need of solace.
Aries Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an impulsive aspect to the personality
Aries Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a persuasive and intelligent aspect to the personality
Aries Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a leadership aspect to the personality
coupled with an outspoken and quick-minded nature
Aries Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a forgiving aspect to the personality
coupled with enhancement of the imagination
but also intensifies resentment toward taking advice
The Gemini Sun/Aries Moon combination produces a mentally quick, witty and versatile who is mobile in both mind and body. These individuals are naturally alert, active and aggressive. At their best, Gemini natives governed by an Aries Moon possess a very ambitious nature and assert themselves in a positive and confident manner. These persons make for a fun companion and a dangerous opponent...particularly in a "battle of words." Intellectually motivated with an inclination for study and education, there will always be a desire here to stay up to date through study and the gathering of information on vital topics. Thus, these Gemini subjects generally have a vast arsenal of information, stories and quips, usually making them the "life of the party" at social functions. Gemini persons ruled by an Aries Moon will go far in life simply because of their natural popularity and aptness with regard to human relations. The chief problem these individuals will face is that they can rely too much on wit, cleverness and quickness in preference to serious application. Nevertheless, others will instinctively follow these Gemini natives due to the fact that they appear to know exactly where they are going and how to get there. Sense of balance and direction here will often be based upon a whim of the moment rather than logic and forethought. However, these individuals make for exceptional leaders because they are so sure of themselves and inspire confidence in those around them. Gemini persons who fall under the jurisdiction of an Aries Moon are especially shrewd in business matters...albeit in a "wheeler-dealer" type of way...and, in this area, can display a rather selfish side since, while being social creatures, they never forget to "look out for number one." Emotionally, there is nothing very deep or profound about the Gemini Sun/Aries Moon combination. These are characters who know what they like and what they do not like, and it is difficult for anyone to tie them down for very long. Gemini individuals with the Moon in Aries need to be constantly in motion...both physically and mentally.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Aries Moon Personalities
* Harriet Beecher-Stowe * Brandon Cruz * Jeffrey Dahmer * Isadora Duncan * Pat Garrett * Lou Gehrig *
* Helen Hunt * Angelina Jolie * Jerry Mathers * Lionel Richie * Rosalind Russell * Tupac Shakur *
Moon in Taurus
The Taurus Moon is a positive and practical Moon. This Moon possesses a sharp artistic sense but is deliberate in reaching decisions. The Taurus Moon tends not to be aggressive but instead, is rather good-natured, accenting the need for security and the necessity of saving for "a rainy day." However, this Moon may also be prideful, stubborn and jealous.
In general, those with the Moon in Taurus are, in a word, conservative. They tend to fear anything outside the norm. However, they are deeply moved by things of beauty. Totally lacking in impulsive behavior, such individuals strive for success in a conservative manner and by investing much hard work into the process. Nevertheless, those with the Moon in Taurus tend to attract good company and usually end up with more than their fair share of wealth. In fact, no matter what type of work these individuals undertake, they will usually receive a financial reward in the end...even if the vocation is not considered by others to be worthy of the individual's abilities or standing in the community. Neither of which usually bothers those governed by the Moon in Taurus, whose occupation is often surrounded by something of an aura of mystery in any event. Moon in Taurus people harbor a love for things that are old and well-established. They are generally sociable souls and actually quite sensual in nature, although there is a tendency toward the materialistic in terms of relationships. These individuals often possess a good speaking and/or singing voice and have a natural attraction to the theater. Moon in Taurus persons enjoy making new friends and like to join clubs or other social circles. Emotionally stable and strong, these individuals form loyal bonds of friendship, but any change is usually perceived as a threat and may lead to the revealing of a somewhat jealous streak. These people will go to any lengths to preserve what they already possess and have even been known to test relationships to find out whether they will stand up to the challenge. Stability and continuity are vital to the Moon in Taurus person, together with a desire for traditional values and the occasional outmoded way of being. It is necessary for the Moon in Taurus individual to feel very secure and he or she will put up with more than most in preference to giving up at the first encountered hurdle.
Taurus Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhancement to all aspects of the native personality
Taurus Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a financially intelligent aspect to the personality
Taurus Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a successful achievement and accumulation of wealth aspect to the personality
Taurus Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a creative and magnetic aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Taurus Moon combination produces one of the most popular personalities to be found in the entire Zodiac. There is a cleverness here which attracts friends, coupled with the stability to retain them. Since both Gemini and Taurus are sociable and outgoing signs, there is something likeable about the easygoing and cool-headed intellect of a Gemini native ruled by the Taurus Moon and others will instantly relate to these characteristics. On an intellectual level, these individuals are impressive, possessed of the practical wisdom to support broad and expansive plans. Gemini Sun/Taurus Moon persons are natural conversationalists, brimming with interesting tidbits of information which they are happy to share. These are people who have a driving personality wrapped in a highly social and charming cover. Gemini natives who fall under the jurisdiction of a Taurus Moon possess an unassuming intelligence and the driving force of these individuals' personality is not readily evident. Thus, this lack of pretentiousness tends to make it even more surprising when personal accomplishments are revealed. Judgment and business sense are inevitably sound and accurate in the Gemini Sun/Taurus Moon combination. There is a fluent mental ability which is underscored by a determination to see any task through to its conclusion...a trait not normally found in the Gemini native. These persons are rarely fooled or "taken in" by others due to a high understanding of a broad cross section of the human race. Gemini persons with a Taurus Moon will be too smart for most of those with whom they come into contact, but will never hurt the feelings of others by letting them know they still have a lot to learn. In short, the sense for sociability here extends to all.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Taurus Moon Personalities
* Bjorn Borg * Joan Collins * Nikki Cox * Bob Dylan * Ian Fleming * Michael J. Fox * Sharon Gless *
* Nathan Hale * Eric Heiden * Xavier Hollander * Carol Kane * Jo Namath * Ingrid Rossellini *
* Isabella Rossellini * Gale Sayers * Kristin Scott Thomas * Jim Thorpe * Cornelius Vanderbilt *
Moon in Gemini
The Gemini Moon is an intuitive Moon...a rapid learner operating on a mental plane. This is a rather charming Moon with magnificent speaking and writing talents. This Moon struggles to maintain independence and tends to be times, a restless and somewhat confusing combination. However, the swift mental activity of the inherent Gemini character coupled with the emotionality of the Moon causes feelings to be held in too much scrutiny. The Gemini Moon expresses emotions in an uneven and inconsistent manner while harboring a direct need to speak the truth.
In general, those with the Moon in Gemini like to exercise both body and mind. Their time is usually divided between studying and socializing. They may live in more than one place or change residence quite often. In short, these individuals like to move around. The Moon in Gemini is excellent in terms of intellect and those who fall under its jurisdiction are inevitably attracted to the literary and the scientific, which tends to indicate that the chosen vocation will also be somewhat intellectual...writer, teacher, journalist or scientist, etc. However, the influence of Gemini usually leads to the changing of careers as often as it leads to the changing of residence. Gemini's theme will continue through the life of this individual...he or she may be ambidextrous and will probably find it easy to do two things at once. Those with their Moon sign in Gemini are not always honest people, particularly in their dealings with those around them. However, they are usually so proficient at deception, that others rarely realize they have been hoodwinked. Moon in Gemini people tend to be nervous, witty and changeable, thriving on communication and the "cut and thrust" of the social world. Boredom cannot be tolerated by these persons and there is a proclavity for an "up and down" type of personality. The spoken word is the chief means of relating for those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Moon sign, and they are equally adept at coming up with the perfect "put-down" as they are with impressing others through their cleverness and wit. Working in media or travel are ideal for those with the Moon in Gemini, as are careers in sales. However, there is a proclavity for these individuals to push themselves too hard and they often feel exhausted when they have overdone the "partying." Nevertheless, after a brief respite, they are ready to forge headlong into the world once more. A person born with the Moon in Gemini is not likely to be happy with his or her own company for very long.
Gemini Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides a strong leadership aspect to the personality
Gemini Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides an expressive communication aspect to the personality
Gemini Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a quick-minded aspect to the personality
Gemini Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an extremely creative aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Gemini Moon combination produces what could be described as a personality of very high voltage electricity. This will not be a steady and smooth flow of electricity, but rather one composed of static charges which are constantly active and bound from one place to another. This energy can be channeled, but usually not for very long. No matter how hard Gemini natives ruled by a Gemini Moon might try, they are not apt to "burn a hole" of concentrative intensity through anything. These individuals possess tremendous mental capabilities and the sole impeding factor in their lives may well be the lack of willingness (or ability) to focus on personal interest and direction. These Gemini subjects feel comfortable with their abilities...whether it be physical or mental...but fail to feel comfortable by themselves without anyone to talk to and be with. Under such circumstances, the innate high-strung temperament immediately takes over, resulting in fidgeting, worry or restlessness until someone comes along to calm them down. Gemini Sun/Gemini Moon persons are usually avid readers, but not especially deep students. Being great talkers, they are glib, facile, witty and clever. The Gemini Sun/Gemini Moon individual will have a great head for business or law since emotions do not generally play a role in decision-making and thinking.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Gemini Moon Personalities
* Mel Blanc * Raymond Burr * M.C. Escher * Marla Gibbs * John Goodman * Steffi Graf * Marvin Hagler *
* Jewel * Heidi Klum * Stan Laurel * Christopher Lee * Julianna Margulies * Salmon Rushdie * Brooke Shields *
* Twiggy Ramirez * Queen Victoria * Prince William of England *
Moon in Cancer
The Cancer Moon is a sensitive, patient and devoted Moon. This Moon possesses literary and/or artistic abilities coupled with a sharp memory. The Cancer Moon learns and expresses everything through emotions and harbors a strong desire to be a nurturer. This Moon is likely to have heightened psychic abilities, although life itself is lived within a series of mood swings. The Cancer Moon is prone to the expression of insecurities in a smothering, possessive and/or jealous manner.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Cancer will be very similar to those individuals whose Moon sign is in Taurus. Both combinations are very fond of relaxation and satisfaction. However, those individuals with Cancer as their Moon sign are different in that they lack the stability and/or stubborn character provided by Taurus (unless, of course, the person in question happens to have Taurus as his or her Sun sign). The personality of the Moon in Cancer subject is rather supple and flexible. This will be an emotional character whose surroundings play a large role in his or her mood. When individuals with the Moon in Cancer are at home, or some other comfortable place, they can be quite sociable, friendly and charitable. However, when the environment proves to be less comforting, they tend to hide themselves. Basically inherently conservative, those whose Moon sign is in Cancer tend to be very close to their particular, the mother. Here, there may well be a strong attachment and very often, both mother and child will share many personality traits. Generally, accepting advice from others and following through on the plans of others will bring good luck to the Moon in Cancer person. These are people perceptive of the feelings of those around them and they frequently prove to be good actors or mimics. Blessed with an inherent sensitivity, the Moon in Taurus subject is often psychic. These individuals are strongly attracted to water (although they are not always aware of this) and may live or vacation near large bodies of water. They are also likely to favor travel by ship as the preferred mode of transport. Basically sympathetic, kind and compassionate souls, individuals whose Moon sign is Cancer are drawn to the underdog and the downtrodden of society...a hard luck story will win them over every time. There is a tendency for those governed by the Moon sign of Cancer to expect others to see and feel they world as they do. This often leads to feelings of rejection when such is not the case. Those governed by Cancer as their Moon sign are likely to keep mementos of their lives from the first four-leaf clover they found to the dog-eared photograph of their first love...probably all tied up with a pink ribbon.
Cancer Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an extremely creative aspect to the personality
Cancer Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides an extremely magnetic aspect to the personality
Cancer Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a passionate and loyal aspect to the personality
Cancer Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a highly intuitive aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Cancer Moon combination produces a somewhat high-strung and emotional nature, although is is basically a most beneficial configuration. The minds of these individuals searches constantly for experiences, romances and revolutionary ideas to explore. In short, life is full of stimuli and fascinations. Gemini natives ruled by a Cancer Moon possess extraordinary emotional depth...far more than normally associated with the Sign of the Twins. What their quick intellect does not pick up on, their emotions do. These are persons who have a greater ability to concentrate than others who fall under the jurisdiction of Gemini. However, keeping the mind focused is the key to controlling an ever-present problem with nervous tension. If at all possible, Gemini Sun/Cancer Moon subjects should concentrate fully on some study or pursuit. In this manner, problems with nerves frequently disappear. But, if the mind is allowed to dwell upon personal issues and petty problems, then these individuals may well find themselves becoming progressively more subject to tensions. Gemini persons who are ruled by a Cancer Moon have a great need for peace, quiet and stability in life, and it is important that these be established at an early age. Unfortunately, domestic stability does not always come easily or naturally for these characters. Nevertheless, it is important. That having been said, for all their problems with thinking and emotions, Gemini Sun/Cancer Moon persons generally come out well in the end. They are sure of themselves and confident of their analyses. They know what is going on in the minds of others and have little difficulty in predicting human actions. Tricks and games which people play appear crystal clear to Gemini natives governed by a Cancer Moon and they possess an intuitive sense of how to react accordingly.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Cancer Moon Personalities
* Tim Allen * Blaze Bayley * Boy George * Roseanne Cash * Rosemary Clooney * Ray Davies * Clint Eastwood *
* Bob Hope * Ice Cube * Tom Jones * Patti LaBelle * Left-Eye (of TLC) * Mike Myers * Cole Porter *
* Connie Sellecca * Nancy Sinatra * Matt Stone * Igor Stravinsky * Dennis Weaver * John Wesley *
Moon in Leo
The Leo Moon is an intelligent and strongly emotional Moon. This Moon marches to the beat of its own drummer and relishes being the center of attention. The Leo Moon is an exceedingly charming Moon with an exceptional sense of humor. It is a leader, not a follower. However, this Moon possesses a dramatic flair and tends to take itself too seriously. The Leo Moon is not by nature a self-sacrificing Moon.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Leo will be strong, proud and courageous by nature, exuding energy and drive. Such individuals relish responsibility and may be prone to take on too much. There is a natural attraction to authority here, coupled with enjoyment of being in the public eye. Persons governed by the Moon in Leo would much rather lead than follow and inherent pride makes them most susceptible to love affairs. The opposite sex finds this individual extremely interesting because of the frequency and sincerity of such affairs. The actions of those ruled by the Leo Moon attract the attention and respect of superiors within the workplace, which can mean only good things as far as any career is concerned. Such individuals are usually encouraging souls, optimistic and generous with money...sometimes a little too much so, which also applies to the display of affection. Nothing is ever done in half-measures by Leo Moon people and they are prone to set high standards, both on a personal level and for others. Anyone with the Moon in Leo will possess a strong intellect and an extreme love of the arts. Occupations are often associated with the theater, music, painting or literature. There is also a devout love of luxury and a grandiose sense of style. Lively in spirit with a desire to make a statement and a definite distaste for being ignored, the individual governed by a Leo Moon has high intelligence and excellent prioritizing skills.
Leo Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an enhanced creativity aspect to the personality
Leo Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides an enhanced aspect to the personality
Leo Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a money-making aspect to the personality
Leo Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an emotionally influential aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Leo Moon combination produces a true "personality person." The interests of this configuration are so varied, personal tastes so inclusive and attitudes so tolerant, that these Gemini natives have a broad appeal to many different people with whom they come in contact. The apparent "happy-go-lucky" nature of Gemini Sun/Leo Moon individuals conceals a core of sound good sense...just as the apparent fickle quality of this blend hides a deep-seated loyalty and fidelity. These persons will be changeable in many ways, but when they settle upon a person or course of action, they stay settled. The mind here will turn from one subject to the next and from one relationship to another but, sooner or later, the wavering and fluctuating will cease and this Gemini subject will establish himself or herself. Others have difficulty in understanding Gemini individuals governed by a Leo Moon, not so much because they are complex, but because they are so hard to "pin down." Once the mind is made up to go after something, then this Gemini native will not hesitate to do so. There is warmth and amiability here, quite often making the Gemini person who falls under the jurisiction of a Leo Moon the "life of the party." These individuals are confident of the impression they make on others and are a study in joviality and good nature. Given their type of personality, Gemini Sun/Leo Moon individuals tend to get along very well in life. Even when people do not agree with what these Gemini subjects say, they tend to admire the manner in which it is said. There can be a somewhat brooding spirit in this personality, especially when things (romances in particular) fail to come together as it is believed they should. Nonetheless, the Gemini Sun/Leo Moon individual is blessed with a good personality, a good level head and more than his or her fair share of good luck.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Leo Moon Personalities
* Meredith Baxter * William Calley * Drew Carey * Helena Bonham Carter * Jacques Cousteau * Roger Ebert *
* Chris Elliott * Ralph Waldo Emerson * Anne Frank * Rudy Giuilani * Howlin' Wolf * Gladys Knight *
* Anna Kournikova * Paul McCartney * Joe Montana * Prince Philip * Walt Whitman * Venus Williams * Anne Wilson *
Moon in Virgo
The Virgo Moon is a truth-seeking Moon. This Moon mentally uses what it learns and is suspicious of face value information, possessing a deep desire to carefully sort through all available data. It is a cautious and serious Moon, being also reserved, methodical, analytical and critical. The Virgo Moon is a perfectionist Moon, possessing perseverance and good organizational skills. A sense of being in control is vital to this Moon and the ability to understand the feelings of others may be difficult. The Virgo Moon harbors a deep-rooted need for the acknowledment of personal abilities.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Virgo will lead a quiet and unpretentious life. These individuals are strong in intellect and have an excellent memory. Thus, a career of a cerebral nature is highly favored. Occupations dealing with health and healing are ideally suited for those governed by a Virgo Moon...a doctor or dietician, for example. The will of these individuals is usually good and they seldom find themselves in trouble. They are marvellous employees due to an honest and amiable nature. They also make for fair and just employers. Persons ruled by the Moon in Virgo tend to excel in the service of a company or corporation and enjoy social interactions. They are likley to have many friends and embark on many trips...this seems to be particularly true of the female governed by a Virgo Moon. These individuals prefer it when things are going well and may occasionally conceal or ignore problems (especially marital difficulties) in order to achieve such tranquility. However, people who fall under the jurisdication of a Virgo Moon do like to investigate the problems of others and their intellect is quite beneficial in this area. They are attracted to the study of both science and the occult, usually highly sensitive to those around them...which may be an indication of psychic abilities. Social, logical and clear-headed characters, those governed by the Moon in Virgo always appear to be busy organizing and arranging the next "big event." Although these individuals work well behind the scenes, there is frequently a strong social conscience which will question the status quo, refusing to accept things at face value. Communication is vital to those ruled by the Virgo Moon, particularly if it involves facts and information rather than "dreamy" philosophies. There is a strong personal code of conduct here, coupled with high standards, concerning friends and loved ones. Even though these individuals may not actually compose lists, they have the ability to think scenarious through into a logical order, rather than "firefighting" when trouble hits. Those governed by the Moon in Virgo will invariably plan ahead for all possible eventualities in a clear and most logical manner.
Virgo Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides much strength and endurance
as well as a creative aspect to the personality
Virgo Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides great intelligence and originality to the personality
Virgo Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a money-conscious and practical aspect to the personality
Virgo Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an enhanced emotional nature, common sense,
and mentally-sharp aspect to the personality
as well as providing a wonderful approach to life in general
The Gemini Sun/Virgo Moon combination suggests a personality dominated and motivated by intellectual pursuits. In this configuration, the natural tendency of the Gemini subject to have a bright outlook and versatile nature is somewhat shaded by the Virgo Moon. These persons may become carried away by trifles and petty worries. This is likely to be a rather moody and temperamental individual with a good deal of self-dramatization, prone to feel misunderstood and unappreciated. Gemini natives ruled by the Virgo Moon are inclined to be tense with an overabundance of nervous energy. This can be an advantage or disadvantage dependent upon how the energy is utilized. These individuals will be extremely alert, constantly "thinking things through," even though projects are not necessarily always carried out to completion. Gemini natives governed by a Virgo Moon may often switch from one project to another with lightning speed. Digging deeply into any one subject is simply not the style of these persons. They can be critical of those around them, often finding fault with the reasoning of others and far from shy in "telling it like it is." These Gemini subjects are regarded as "straight-shooters" and their air of efficiency is quite impressive. Although their expression may be pointed, it is never vengeful in a heavily emotional way and they are rarely intentionally mean or unreasonable. Gemini natives who fall under the jurisdiction of a Virgo Moon will be sociable and entertaining souls, possessed of an intensely dry sense of humor and wit. It may not always seem so, but these are rather serious individuals and, if they can force themselves to stick to a job, can accomplish much...particularly if the project involves use of the mental processes. The mind here is sharp as the proverbial tack, coupled with the logic and facts to back every move. Unfortunately, Gemini natives ruled by a Virgo Moon are likely to enjoy explaining their theories and plans more than executing them. Developing the ability to relax and be satisifed in the world can greatly help these individuals.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Virgo Moon Personalities
* Courteney Cox * Paul Gauguin * Anne Heche * John Hinckley, Jr. * Waylon Jennings * Jenny Jones * Stacy Keach *
John F. Kennedy * Vince Lombardi * Robert Moog * Peter Nero * Laurence Olivier * Ashley Olsen *
* Mary-Kate Olsen * Natalie Portman * Marquis de Sade * Richard Strauss * Brian Wilson * Frank Lloyd Wright *
Moon in Libra
The Libra Moon is the most artistic of the Moons. This Moon will do anything in order to avoid a conflict (and, in fact, all general unpleasantness), but needs to learn how to handle such conflicts and be aware that facing a problem head-on in the best method of dealing with it. The Libra Moon possesses exquisite taste and is a coordinating expert. This is a charming Moon with a gentle and peace-loving nature which desires a harmonious environment in beautiful surroundings. This Moon finds crude behavior, poor manners and foul language exceedingly offensive. The Libra Moon prefers shared rather than solitary experiences.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Libra produces an individual who likes to make friends. These are very sociable souls who are attracted to people and situations that present a sense of balance. Those governed by the Libra Moon look for partnerships in all aspects of, business and friendships. As perceived by others, those governed by the Moon in Libra are considered to be popular, affectionate and generous. In short, the life of the Libra Moon individual will likely revolve around people. Most often, this means only one with a powerful persuasion over the life of the Libra Moon subject. Here, the inherent love of people, company and sociality can blind those ruled by the Libra Moon to the effects of others' influence, and personal judgment can easily be swayed by those around them. There is usually artistic potential, whether or not the Libra Moon person has explored it, and this explains the love of music, paintings and fine arts in general so often associated with Libra Moon individuals. Such persons have a good fashion sense coupled with a harmonious outlook on life...partnerships and balance are invariably the key themes. Libra Moon people are usually influenced by those around them and are much more productive in the company of others. Being both charming and creative, those governed by the Moon in Libra possess excellent diplomatic skills, but the ability to see both sides can sometimes lead to a "sitting on the fence" attitude. Nonetheless, such a person has the ability to be a wonderful peacemaker when others are locked in a dispute and findings are normally beautifully articulated. The Moon in Libra indicates a great love for taking on new projects, but a tendency toward boredom once the initial excitement begins to wear thin.
Libra Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhanced originality to the personality
as well as individual magnetism
Libra Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a popular aspect to the personality
Libra Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides an increased aspect of creativity to the personality
Libra Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a strong imagination and intuitive aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Libra Moon combination produces a personality which is ethereal, lighthearted, bright and totally enjoyable. These are persons with a clever sense of humor and active wit. In a very charming way, Gemini natives ruled by a Libra Moon can usually persuade and cajole others to come around to their own personal way of thinking. This is considered to be a very favorable combination with regard to making influential friends and pursuing some type of professional career. However, these Gemini subjects do not have much taste for really hard work...particularly if it requires much concentration and sustained effort. They lead active lives, invariably combining business and pleasure to good advantage. Gemini subjects governed by a Libra Moon are independent souls and dislike the feeling of being "beholden" to anyone or any obligation. While these individuals can force themselves to undertake just about anything, nobody else will have much luck in trying to stimulate a sense of duty or obligation. Life is never dull for these persons because they stay so busy either traveling (which they adore), socializing, working and/or playing. Although somewhat high-strung, these Gemini natives rarely stay in a depressive mood or state for very long. Expressive, artistic and able to communicate on a variety of levels, these are natural extroverts. Indeed, Gemini subjects who fall under the jurisdication of a Libra Moon may be such a good conversationalists that their stories become very detailed, complex and long. Romantically, these are rather fickle individuals who are extremely demanding of total justice in all personal relationships.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Libra Moon Personalities
* Alois Alzheimer * James Arness * Josephine Baker * Annette Bening * George Bush * Lauren Chapin * Tony Curtis *
* Jefferson Davis * Robert Englund * Jack Keevorkian * Henry Kissinger * Cyndi Lauper * Malcolm McDowell *
* Jim Nabors * Erich Segal * Wallis Simpson * Parker Stevenson * Richard Thomas * Martha Washington * Gene Wilder *
Moon in Scorpio
The Scorpio Moon is a mysterious Moon. This Moon is strongly motivated by feelings while remaining most adept at hiding true emotions. It is a Moon of great willpower and good judgment, but one which never forgets a good or bad deed. The Scorpio Moon is one of the more difficult Moons, often having to face and conquer more obstacles than the other Moons. It is prone to aggressive and dominating behavior in addition to being wilful and stubborn. The Scorpio Moon possesses strong beliefs which will likely be expressed in a passionate manner. This Moon is one of secrecy and personal independence coupled with heightened intuitive and psychic abilities. However, the Scorpio Moon can be jealous and distrustful, believing that the sharing of feelings leads to vulnerability.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Scorpio may be one which harbors a feeling of misunderstanding by others. Fighters by nature, those ruled by the Scorpio Moon are usually hot-tempered and stand alone in their battles. They fight with assurance and confidence. However, there is a tendency for such people to bring out in themselves the very things they are fighting against. Persons governed by the Moon in Scorpio will be full of energy with a tendency to express themselves in a rather blunt manner. While such individuals might declare they are "okay with change," it is a somewhat different story inside and they are actually quite conservative, resisting change...particuarly any change which is forced upon them. When such people do change their minds on an idea, they fully stand behind it and help to implement the change. In reality, Scorpio is probably one of the most misunderstood of the Zodiac signs and individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of its Moon are inclined to act out of irritation or anger. In short, these people like to get revenge. Others may perceive those ruled by the Scorpio Moon as lacking in a strong moral code, or that they drink too much, but the truth is, such individuals are truly possessed of a strong willpower and much determination. However, there is also a massive love of pleasure and those governed by this particular Moon will be quite familiar with the subject of pleasure. There is a strong attraction to the opposite sex...and vice versa. Those governed by the Scorpio Moon share many of the characteristics of those ruled by the Moon of Capricorn. Both subjects have boundless energy, a lack of control in certain life areas and oftentimes, trouble with the opposite sex. This could cause a great deal of strife throughout life and more than one marriage is highly likely. The Moon in Scorpio is also closely related to death and the occupation of an individual ruled in this manner might well be so related...policeman, fireman or soldier, for example. Passion and intensity will be paramount in any relationship which involves those who fall under the jursiction of the Scorpio Moon. There is also an ability to inspire others here, for such subjects will never shirk in the face of unpleasant situations and are perfectly capable of speaking up for the underdog. Individuals of the Scorpio Moon know no fear and will refuse to be put off by the views of society when it comes to choosing friends or partners. However, there is a distinct tendency to keep many emotions "under wraps" and others may be unaware of this individual's true feelings until he or she "lets rip" at the last straw. Time alone is very important for those ruled by the Moon in is necessary in order to process feelings and come to terms with some of the injustices of the world. These are people with a strong moral conscience who, when hit by tragedy, will survive to return again...scarred, but ready to face life. The strong intuitive powers and psychic abilities of Scorpio Moon individuals enable them to see below the surface.
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhancement to the overall personality
as well as an energetic nature
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides enhanced mental powers to the personality
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides an ambitious and sensual aspect to the personality
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides enhanced strength, energy and creative aspects to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Scorpio Moon combination produces an intellectual quickness and emotional depth which makes for an exceptionally forceful, magnetic and versatile character. These subjects are especially quick and active while being extremely receptive and tuned-in to those around them. Surprisingly, these exceptional traits may not necessarily mean that such persons will be the leaders that others believe them to be. Despite these strengths, Gemini natives who fall under the jurisdiction of a Scorpio Moon are easily persuaded and influenced...sometimes even led astray or distracted from doing what they might be capable of accomplishing. Never opposed to taking a chance or going "out on a limb," these individuals find sensationalism appealing, which is often reflected in actions and perhaps in the choice of friends. These are persons who may expend a good deal of their energies in chasing personal pleasures rather than keeping their "nose to the grindstone." They can pursue any project with a vast amount of intensity, but never for a long period of time. If they are not careful, problems can arise with these Gemini subjects due to overindulgence and the tendency to have "too many fingers in too many pies." Gemini natives governed by a Scorpio Moon are not usually very careful by nature, but there is little they could not accomplish if they can manage to harness both the mental and emotional aspects of the personality, resulting in a pulling together toward the same constructive direction.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Scorpio Moon Personalities
* Dana Carvey * Scatman Crothers * Mario Cuomo * Miles Davis * Elizabeth Hurley * Sally Kellerman *
* Alanis Morissette * Anne Murray * Priscilla Presley * Leah Remini * Ally Sheedy * Mark Wahlberg * John Wayne *
Moon in Sagittarius
The Sagittarius Moon is a clear-thinking and quick-minded Moon. This Moon will set goals and have no problem in attaining them. However, there is a tendency to overspend because of the overwhelming belief that things are there to be bought and enjoyed. Basically, this is a charming Moon with a deep love of travel. It is also spontaneous, freedom-loving and optimistic. The Satittarius Moon prefers not to be tied down and, by nature, is a kind and gentle Moon. This Moon has a deep desire to learn and pursue intellectual activities.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Sagittarius will absolutely adore the great outdoors. There is an immense love for the feeling of freedom here. Others perceive Sagittarius Moon indidividuals as active with a fondness for travel and sports...not to mention the air of joviality (derived from Jove or Jupiter, the Ruling Planet of Sagittarius). However, when such individuals are not outside, they often appear restless in every sense of the word...physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally. These are people who act first and think later, a trait which is usually most apparent..and harmful...during conversation. Such individuals say whatever is on their minds, put simply and in a rather blunt manner. In short, they are far from diplomatic and should avoid careers where diplomacy is a must. Indeed, with regard to occupations as a whole, there is a tendency to change employment frequently or have more than one vocation. Overall, Sagittarius Moon persons are usually good-natured, kind and honest. They are perceptive of others' emotions and, if someone is hurt, may even take it personally. Nevertheless, there is an obvious short temper associated with those governed by this Moon although, on a more positive note, they are also quick to forgive and will hardly ever hold a grudge. These individuals make for good teachers due to their perspective on life and are able to perceive the possible outcome of events long before they ever occur...hence the oftentimes favorite phrase of those who are ruled by the Sagittarius Moon: "I told you so!" The intuition here is strong and the dreams of such people frequently come true. This could possibly indicate a psychic influence, but with the Sagittarius Moon, nothing is ever sure. These people are simply unable to stay in one place for very long since the desire for movement is well-nigh overwhelming. Independence is greatly valued by Sagittarius Moon persons, as is freedom of spirit. They are adaptable and attract many friends who warm instantly to the inherent gregarious nature. Not necessarily materialistic, the Sagittarius Moon subject feels that experience will always count for more than the acquisition of objects. There is a firm belief in justice and fair play here, coupled with a desire to help out anyone who is in need, or who has been treated unfairly. Perhaps the worse fault of those ruled by the Sagittarius Moon is that of over-optimism and it will be necessary to learn a realistic approach through experience and the lessons of life.
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides self-confidence and an adventurous aspect to the personality
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a persuasive aspect to the personality
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a practical and creative aspect to the personality
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an artistic and creative-writing aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Sagittarius Moon combination produces an exceedingly uncontrollable personality. These are subjects who will be frank, honest and extremely restless. There is a highly individualistic nature that runs in high gear almost all the time. Gemini natives governed by a Sagittarius Moon will know a little about many things and are sure to always have an opinion regarding any subject that might arise. Although the knowledge of these individuals is likely to be superficial, they can level a scathing attack on anyone who disagrees with them. In this combination, honesty and frankness can lead to difficulties at times. Those who ask will be told in no uncertain terms what this Gemini subject thinks of them...and there will be no omissions for the sake of tact and diplomacy. These persons need to learn that holding the tongue does not necessarily equate to the sacrifice of is simply a showing of good sense. There is also a need to cultivate mental accuracy here, since the analytical and scientifically critical bent is not native to these particular Gemini subjects. Gemini persons who fall under the jurisdication of a Sagittarius Moon should engage in serious and specific mental training in order to curb the restlessness inherent in the character. Their witty personality, coupled with the innate quickness and facility of thought, will take these persons far...but sooner or later, they will have to realize that the world is nowhere near as simple as they appear to believe it is.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Sagittarius Moon Personalities
* Jim Belushi * Sandra Bernhard * Naomi Campbell * Bruce Dern * Dionne Quintuplets * Melissa Ethridge *
* Douglas Fairbanks * John Fogerty * Newt Gingrich * Neil Patrick Harris * Gregory Harrison *
* Nicole Kidman * Lenny Kravitz * Guy Lombardo * Barry Manilow * Liam Neeson * Prince Ranier of Monaco *
* Joan Rivers * Donald Trump * Ruth Westheimer *
Moon in Capricorn
The Capricorn Moon is an unemotional Moon, rarely exhibiting feelings in an outward manner. This is not really surprising, given that Capricorn sits in direct opposition to the Moon. Since the Moon itself is representative of emotions, this causes hindrances to the achievement of happiness within the Capricorn Moon. Thus, this is a difficult Moon placement as inherent energies are in conflict. Nonetheless, the Capricorn Moon is ambitious and eager to learn, usually putting such knowledge to excellent use. This is a self-sufficient Moon which has difficulty in expressing spontaneous emotions. It is conservative, competitive and rigid regarding feelings. This Moon desires control...ambitious thoughts being the driving force...and material success is extrememly important. The Capricorn Moon invariably displays a cool exterior and is very difficult to predict.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Capricorn were born to be in a position of authority. This comes naturally to such people and could bring either fame or notoriety. Either way, a certain amount of celebrity is almost certainly guaranteed for those governed by a Capricorn Moon. If such individuals focus on their ambitions, employing dedication and a strong work ethic, then the public eye will eventually come to view them as prominent and well-respected. However, the influence of the Capricorn Moon is apt to make a person somewhat insensitive and unperceptive of the feelings of others, which can be viewed as cold and calculating. If the subject is born under one of the Cardinal signs (i.e., Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), then future success is virtually assured but, with fame and success comes enemies, one of whom is almost certain to appear and attempt to spoil any such success or personal it openly or in secret. The good news is that this person will most likely fail. Those governed by the Capricorn Moon share many of the characteristics of those ruled by the Moon of Scorpio. Both subjects have boundless energy, a lack of control in certain life areas and oftentimes, trouble with the opposite sex. Capricorn Moon people tend to assert a strong influence over those around them. They know how to "put on a good show" and will do anything to accomplish desired goals. These individuals are indeed "movers and shakers." There is an earthy practicality to persons ruled by the Capricorn Moon which gives dependence and a sense of responsbility toward others. These people are enduring, brave and do not shrink from less-than-pleasant tasks, if a sense of duty is perceived. There may be a tendency toward shyness in some individuals in which case, they are apt to be reserved and not given to spontaneous outbursts of emotion. In later years, those ruled by the Moon of Capricorn will appears both cool and well in stretching ahead in a series of planned events and expectations. This Moon can lend a sense of loyalty and unswerving devotion once its subject eventually gives his or her heart to another and such an individual can be counted upon to "stick around" when all others have long gone. These persons fear humiliation and will carry around a hurt or slight almost indefinitely. There is a dignity and tenacity here, coupled with a realistic vision of the world as it truly is...not as others expect it to be.
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides self-reliance and an authoritarian aspect to the personality
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides good communication skills to the personality
as well as resourcefulness and a wide range of interests
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides an executive-type talent to the personality
as well as the achievement of great rewards
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an enhanced creativity aspect to the personality
as well as providing a tendency toward fame and
the accumulation of wealth
The Gemini Sun/Capricorn Moon combination produces a personality which is worldly-wise and shrewd. Under the genial veneer of smiles and good humor displayed by these Gemini natives lies a core of steel, strength of purpose and high ambition. These are persons who will operate with a healthy respect for tradition, law and to become a law unto themselves and those around them. Gemini subjects governed by a Capricorn Moon are able to meet any challenge...particularly one which demands a cool head and objective reasoning ability. These are affable, social and generous souls, but ones who cannot be imposed upon. There is sound and sharp business judgment here, coupled with a keen wit which allows these Gemini natives to talk others into agreement with a personal position before those others know what has happened. The manner of Gemini natives who fall under the jurisdiction of a Capricorn Moon is poised, charming and disarming, enabling them to succeed in the business world where they can "sell" themselves or close a deal with casual ease. In short, others tend to relax and let down their guard around these Gemini individuals. Outgoing and extroverted, these persons appear to inspire confidence and usually come out a winner. The mind here is so well-constructed that analysis and critical ability are natural talents. These Gemini subjects are fair and utterly honorable, but will never fail to use their shrewdness when it comes to bargaining power. However, there is a cool detachment to this personality which will prevent an opening up to others in a true sense. Gemini natives who are governed by the Capricorn Moon are able to maintain a tight control on nervousness and restlessness. They are highly sensitive and likewise conscious of the sensitive points of those around them. More analytical rather than creative or original, these are individuals with an active sense of diplomacy which invariably results in the achievement of personal goals while rarely antagonizing others in the process.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Capricorn Moon Personalities
* Paula Abdul * Laurie Anderson * F. Lee Bailey * Barbara Bush * Johnny Depp * Judy Garland *
* King George III * Wynonna Judd * Dean Martin * Stevie Nicks * Suzi Quatro * Harold Robbins *
* Jane Russell * Jessica Tandy * Lea Thompson * Jim Thorpe * Scott Valentine *
Moon in Aquarius
The Aquarius Moon is an even-tempered Moon, possessing a clear and intelligent logic. Aquarius is an excellent location for the Moon itself. This Moon is humorous but harbors a distinct dislike for restriction in any form, being unable to tolerate possessiveness. The Aquarius Moon is a somewhat detached and intriguing Moon, which has trouble expressing emotions and extensively analyzing any such emotions. Indeed, emotions are usually expressed in actions rather than words. Friendship and freedom are paramount to this Moon. By nature, the Aquarius Moon prefers to work with a group and will relate better to a group rather than in a one-on-one relationship.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Aquarius will be cool, perceptive and imaginative, enjoying the opinions that friends and colleagues have to offer. Moon in Aquarius individuals are social creatures, sympathetic to the feelings of others. In short, their attitude is far from what would be considered the "norm." These people are prone to unorthodox, independent and unconventional tendencies. Indeed, their eccentric interests and hobbies are likely to draw strange looks from observers. Those governed by an Aquarius Moon are attracted to anything which is of an intellectual, social, original or unusual nature. The vocation of such an individual may include educational, political, scientific or social heart, he or she is a true humanitarian. There is a strong inclination toward ideals here...ideals which may well be impractical. These persons are drawn to large movements which support great causes and may also belong to a mystical or secret society, brotherhood or association. The intellect and imagination of those ruled by an Aquarius Moon combine to provide inventive and original ideas, together with an attraction for occult subjects (astrology or clairvoyance, for example). As already stated, those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Aquarius Moon are real humanitarians and true liberals who get along well with those who think the same. Although there is a great desire here to care for the "global village," there may be some detachment when it comes to those closer to home. These individuals possess integrity and honesty and will rarely be accused of double-dealing or cheating. With a tendency to "tell it like it is" (because the truth matters regardless of cost, even though the truth may hurt), persons governed by the Aquarius Moon possess their own set of moral standards which may or may not conincide with those of society. Friends and acquaintances tend to come from a rather broad spectrum...a homeless down-and-out together with a member of the aristrocracy would not be unlikely personal companions for those governed by the Aquarius Moon. Although unlikely to ask for help when in trouble, these persons stand ready to help others in an instant, particularly if it is associated with a cause dear to the heart. With more than a casual eye on the future, those people who fall under the jurisdiction of the Aquarius Moon would not hesitate to break rules and/or boundaries in their quest for new ways of being.
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an imaginative and foreceful aspect to the personality
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides the ability to deal with all personality types
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a very practical aspect to the personality
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a self-expressive aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Aquarius Moon combination produces a quick mind and broad scope of intelligence that may easily result in the achievement of public notoriety. The mind here is able to grasp details without missing the "big picture." These Gemini natives appear to possess the gift of both foresight and to see both the fact and the potentialities. This uncanny foresight or intuition allows the Gemini subject governed by an Aquarius Moon to rank among those with the ability to constantly look ahead and anticipate the need for change and improvement. These are truly progressive individuals who can organize and express what they know in a clear and concise fashion. Genuine humanitarians, these Gemini subjects are generous and possess an innate desire to help others. Thus, they make for excellent teachers in whatever area they may choose. Gemini natives who fall under the jurisdiction of an Aquarius Moon have a romantic outlook on life, blessed with the talent to find, rather than create, beauty in their surroundings. They are philosophical to an extreme, being very understanding, tolerant and accepting of others in the broadest sense. Not surprisingly, the circle of friends enjoyed by these persons is probably vast and intensely loyal. Depressed by any sense of restriction or restraint that prevents these Gemini subjects from "doing their own thing," these individuals find routine activities and overly-confining affairs impossible to tolerate. They are possessed of minds which are agile and flexible and appear to be able to handle, with great skill and equal ease, either side of an argument. Enigmatic and interesting, Gemini natives ruled by the Aquarius Moon never fail to be entertaining to those around them.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Aquarius Moon Personalities
* Chet Atkins * David Berkowitz * Yasmine Bleeth * Pat Boone * Gary Burghoff * Sir Arthur Conan Doyle *
* Andy Griffith * Patrick Henry * LaToya Jackson * Tara Lipinski * Curtis Mayfield * Marilyn Monroe *
* Sally Ride * Jean-Paul Sartre * Kathleen Turner * Richard Wagner * William Butler Yeates * Brigham Young *
Moon in Pisces
The Pisces Moon is a senstive and creative Moon, being artistic, intuitive and most probably psychic. This Moon is most assuredly a dreamer. The Pisces Moon keeps emotions hidden, although the inherent extreme sensitivity makes this Moon sympathetic to the plight of the less fortunate and may lead to community service. The Pisces Moon feels all things deeply.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Pisces indicates a character driven by emotions. Whatever appeals to these persons will attract, literature or poetry, for example. These are individuals who change their minds very easily and to others, will sometimes give the impression of unreliability. When the "going gets tough," those ruled by a Pisces Moon will become discouraged. They adore change and any form of routine seems to literally drain the life from these persons. There is an easygoing nature here, but there is also a tendency toward shyness. Overall, the Pisces Moon is not perceived to be a favorable influence, often associated with glandular problems and obesity. On the outside, those governed by this Moon appear to be quite happy, but inwardly there is frequently depression and even a distinct lack of a sense of humor. At some time during the life of those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Moon in Pisces, hospitals, prisons or some other type of institution is almost certain to play an important role in some fashion. However, this aspect needs to be put into context and perspective with the rest of the individual's horoscope before any definite conclusions may be drawn, and it is vital that these subjects not become discouraged. The Pisces Moon can be one of the most appealing, sociable, entertaining and humorous of all the Moon Influences dependent upon other factors. There is a flair for music here...either composing, writing or simply listening and appreciating the art. These are emotional and romantic souls with creative ideas, a strong imagination and a desire to make the world a better place, although there is a distinct distaste for anything which is ugly or disharmonious. Perhaps the major key word for the Pisces Moon individual is sacrifice. If the need of another is perceived to be greater than that of the person governed by this Moon, then he or she will willingly give all he or she has to the person in need. These people possess a strong psychic awareness and have the ability to pick up on subtle signs and signals that others might miss. The greatest danger for a person who falls under the jurisdiction of the Moon in Pisces is the tendency to become a martyr and allow personal needs to fade into insignificance. Boundaries are difficult to define by these individuals and they could easily be guilty of getting involved in the problems of others without being asked...although the intentions are always of the highest caliber.
Pisces Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides dynamic energy and an an enduring artistic aspect to the personality
as well providing a sympathetic listening nature
Pisces Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a strengthened clairvoyant aspect to the personality
Pisces Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides increased perception and an idealistic aspect to the personality
Pisces Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an enhanced and powerful intuitive aspect to the personality
The Gemini Sun/Pisces Moon combination produces an individual possessed with a high degree of what is usually referred to as a "sixth sense." Thus, these Gemini subjects have a talent which will always help them get along in the world. This Gemini Sun/Pisces Moon combination is one of the most versatile and adaptable of the Zodiac, but it is also one in which frequent change and inconstancy can, at times, be problematic. Learning the difficult lesson of concentration here can be an early life challenge. These are highly receptive souls who are sensitive to the intangible vibrations around them. However, it is these vibrations which will doubtless guide this Gemini native along a path of survival. The receptivity of mind here encourages the assimilation of knowledge, making it possible for Gemini natives governed by the Pisces Moon to be well-informed on a variety of subjects, even though they are not likely to be an expert on any of them. On occasion, there will be trouble in seeing things in a truly perspective fashion because these Gemini individuals are anything but realists and, even when personal senses are wrong, it will be hard to convince them of any mistake. They possess an illusory quality which tends to keep them somewhat remote from the world, and personal goals and ambitions are never truly high. Nevertheless, the inherent creative and inventive abilities of Gemini persons who fall under the jurisdiction of a Pisces Moon are considerable. They are happiest when in a harmonious environment where they can escape the various pressures and stresses of general business life. Indeed, these Gemini individuals are temperamentally unsuited for such a vocation. Their best talents center on the intellectual, literary, aesthetic or artistic...although their versatility may open up opportunties in any number of other areas. These many abilities notwithstanding, Gemini Sun/Pisces Moon persons may lack self-confidence and are prone to attempt to justify personal motives for their actions...even when it is unnecessary to do so...often harboring an innate feeling of being misunderstood. These are introspective souls, frequently holding fixed ideas about themselves which may be at complete variance with the facts. There is a quick and perceptive mind here...when this Gemini individual is not too busy engaging in daydreaming. Gemini natives who are ruled by the Pisces Moon possess an instinctively hospitable nature...a nature which is sympathetic and understanding of fellow humankind.
Some Famous Gemini Sun/Pisces Moon Personalities
* Richard Benjamin * Mary Kay Bergman * Cilla Black * Morgan Freeman * Bobcat Goldthwait * Wild Bill Hickok *
* Bill Moyers * Harry Nilsson * Prince * Judge Reinhold * Mike Todd * Bob Vila *