Ah, the Gemini, witty and eloquent, the life of the party, and a great lover to boot .if you can keep him/her interested for long enough to settle down. Sometimes the Gemini in your life can be a humming bird, flitting from one interest to the next, and then they can be the serious intellectual, moving from one stimulating idea to the next with the ease of their own air sign. This means that as much they may want to be happy, the Gemini strives to bring discordant notes into harmony, disjunctive ideas into synthesis, and may even try to bring your, as they may perceive, jumbled existence into greater balance. This type of relationship can be fraught with all sorts of perils but can also be a great learning and growing experience.
One of the best parts of learning to love, or simply learning to be around a Gemini is knowing that they are the mimic of the horoscope’s cycle. They can be whatever you want them to be, and may in fact see what you are looking for in a lover and become that. They can be a roaring Leo, or a fiery Aries, a stable Taurus or a pensive Pisces. They can say all the right things and do the romantic dinners or long walks, if that is what you are looking for. This is why they have such great success with the opposite sex, and can attract the attention of even the most unlikely of personalities. It is important to remember that in spite of this great ability to adapt and change to meet the challenge of being your favourite lover, a Gemini is only mimicking and in the end you must love the curious mind, and schizophrenic behaviour that defines his/her life.
One of the Gemini’s biggest challenges and at the same time greatest attributes as a partner is their desire to understand how you tick (I can see Gemini’s partners, friends and lovers all shaking their heads right now in complete agreement). This requires lots of questions and investigation into your head and heart, which can satisfy most people deep seeded narcissism, but can also be a little unnerving. This curiosity is inextricably linked to a Gemini’s need to understand all the things around them. This understanding can end up meaning that once they feel as though they have you figured out, their interest may wane.
There are some dark sides to the Gemini character. Much of their weakness lies in shortness of their attention span. The love of new and shifting things can sometimes outweigh the importance of settling into a routine and enjoying the more familiar aspects of day-to-day existence. In short Gemini lovers can be heartbreakers. They go full tilt into love and then, when bored, can toss aside people without too much thought, moving on to something new and more exciting. These qualities can hurt those around them, and eventually leave them alone and wondering where all the people in their life have gone. Gemini’s tend to have high divorce rates precisely because of this tendency. Give them a chance and they will one-minute love the girl next door, and in the next moment run after the dominatrix with her whips and chains.
Give your Gemini lover a chance and they will keep you on your toes, but make sure that you stay true to your own nature and don’t bend too much or ask too little, or you may find yourself and the blinding will of their capricious nature.
Best Relationship Matches
Libra This is your best match. They have just enough in common with you and just enough that’s different.
Aquarius Just capricious enough for you.
Leo At first you may be attracted, but this pairing is ultimately unstable.
Worst Relationship Matches
Taurus Too slow for you
Cancer Too stable and domestic
Pisces Too emotionally needy you’d hurt them far too often