The characteristics of the Gemini nature tend toward success, particularly in fields which call for the exercise of a high degree of manual dexterity, alert mentality and an active imagination. These individuals are prone to enter into business partnerships or pursue two occupations simultaneously. They frequently display superior skill in the use of their hands and, indeed, handicrafts appeal to them, since they find satisfactory expression in transforming the creations conjured by their minds into say nothing of helping to relieve the inherent nervous energy associated with this Sign. In short, Gemini natives always need to be busy doing something. The singularly quick mind here enables these individuals to instantly comprehend the thoughts of others and they themselves are invariably prolific in original ideas. However, due to the quickness of those governed by this Sign, such original ideas are unfortunately not always thought through. They tend to crave employment which provides much personal freedom and flexibility. In short, a Gemini subject would not be caught dead in a humdrum existence.
As employees, Gemini individuals lack intense drive and rarely possess the willingness to work overtime. Generally, they are also lacking in a fixed and steady purpose and fail to understand the point of endless and devoted dedication. Nonetheless, there is a built-in ability here to deal efficiently with emergencies. Natives of Gemini are very persuasive characters...ones who can talk others into buying things they could not possibly even use...and they will keep the workplace humming with busy activity, an abundance of jokes and plenty of lighthearted chatter. However, this is not to say that Gemini subjects fail to get things accomplished. In secretarial positions, those governed by Gemini make for ideal employees, exceedingly capable of independently composing an intelligent, clearly-stated letter after being given only the most meager information regarding the subject matter, for example. Gemini natives are extremely adept at obtaining a raise in salary and, in such an instance, may be willing to work an extra hour a day...for a short period time at least. Nevertheless, Gemini employees will doubtless possess a youthful air of irresponsibility, likely to shoot down anything the prude of the office might say. The Gemini mind is at least a million years old, but the emotions are those of a is the appearance. As a boss, the Gemini native will be a brilliant, though restless, executive. It is exceedingly difficult for these individuals to sit behind a desk for more than one hour at a time and they may well wear a hole in the carpet with their pacing if cooped-up for too long. When assigned to an executive position, these subjects will be quick to delegate authority to those around them. Employees of a Gemini employer can look forward to much excitement. Those governed by this Sign are seldom dogmatic and their opinions are generally flexible. They detest antagonising their employees...though in truth, few people interest Gemini individuals long enough for that type of intensity. The true character here, despite the surface warmth, is rather cool, aloof and lonely, but not unsympathetic. These natives may not be overly-sentimental, but they will always see the ridiculous side of any given situation. There appears to be a constant whirl of confusion and incessant activity within an office where Gemini is boss...but such confusion will not be experienced by the Gemini individual. These natives are able to perfectly sort things out and clear the muddy waters of all the junk. The quick eye and trigger-fast brain of those ruled by Gemini work in complete synchronisation. However, there is a tendency for these individuals to become bored following financial or business successes and they are likely to rush off in search of fresh challenges long before the time comes for retirement. Experts at the art of double-talk, Gemini subjects are clever in competitive situations. In addition, they are incurable dreamers and magnificent storytellers. As work colleagues, Gemini natives can be surprisingly aloof where their work is concerned but usually find they are able to converse on just about any subject. Able to talk their way toward a raise or a promotion, these individuals would do well to remember that it usually pays to also put in some work in order to reach such a goal.
Gemini natives can become excellent business people, being well-informed, clever and tactful in negotiations. This, coupled with the fact that they rarely fall victim to deceit, tends to make for financial success. However, given the prodigality with which Gemini individuals spend funds in the pursuit of new enterprises or personal excitement, they do not always amass great wealth. Indeed, it is often not until mid-life that those governed by this Sign are likely to actually save any money. Changeable and unpredicatable, Gemini individuals enjoy "blowing" their money and rarely worry about where the next check will come from, convinced that their inherent charisma will surely lead to something. They also cannot be bothered with balancing accounts since these natives always find so many more interesting things to do. As far as Gemini subjects are concerned, money is simply a necessary evil. Those who fall beneath the jurisdiction of this Sign are always on the lookout for a "good deal." Here, money will never become an all-consuming passion. These individuals love the good things in life and, if such costs money, then they will go ahead and earn it. Gemini natives rarely worry whether they have sufficient funds to go around since they are usually able to find the necessary cash when it truly matters. One of the major faults here is that those ruled by Gemini can have a rather hard time in deciding between practicality and pleasure. Thus, a practical partner would be most who can keep a hold on the purse strings.
Gemini/Aries: A business partnership between Gemini and Aries could work out quite well. Gemini is ruled by air, a mental element which is mechanically inclined toward such goals as marketing, etc., while Aries has the ability to interact with the public. Thus, this combination provides a solid foundation for a good partnership in the making. The addition of an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) into the mix, complete with that element's natural ability to keep the finances in order, is a virtual guarantee of success.
Gemini/Taurus: A business partnership between Gemini and Taurus could be successful. Governed by the pratical element of earth, Taurus will excel at the mechanics of the business, while Gemini, ruled by the mental element of air, shines in the field of marketing and could promote the business in a big way. In short, this partnership could prove to be very mutually beneficial.
Gemini/Gemini: A business partnership between two individuals governed by Gemini is unlikely to meet with success. Here, both individuals are too much alike and tend to share the same trait of occasional childish behavior which could result in death to any business venture.
Gemini/Cancer: A business partnership between Gemini and Cancer is not recommended...just as a personal relationship would not be recommended. Here, there would be so much bickering over the small things that nothing would ever be accomplished.
Gemini/Leo: A business partnership between Gemini and Leo is very favorable. Ruled by the element of fire, Leo would provide the inspiration, while Gemini, governed by the mental element of air, excels at marketing. Here, the major obstacle would be whether the mutable Gemini can convince the fixed Leo to take a broader view of matters.
Gemini/Virgo: A business partnership between Gemini and Virgo has the potential to be successful. Being logical and analytical, Virgo can easily handle the mechanical side of running the business, while the talkative and outgoing Gemini will interact well with the public, as well as securing adequate advertising, etc, for the product in question. In addition, this pair may well strike up a lasting friendship that would further help the business.
Gemini/Libra: A business partnership between Gemini and Libra is likely to be very successful. Here, both are ruled by the mental element of air, ensuring magnificent marketing skills. As well as being good partners, this pair can truly become great friends who are able to discuss decisions and ideas with mutual understanding.
Gemini/Scorpio: A business partnership between Gemini and Scorpio is almost certain to meet with failure. This pair would have such a hard time in a one-on-one relationship that any business is likely to turn into a state of constant bickering and jealousies, effectively killing any such partnership. In addition, the inner personalities of these two signs seldom mix under any circumstances.
Gemini/Sagittarius: A business partnership between Gemini and Sagittarius is not likely to meet with much success. Here, personality factors greatly in the differences between these two signs and they are too widely variant. Indeed, Gemini and Sagittarius are barely able to even remain friends for a long period of time. Gemini will want Sagittarius to settle down and take care of business, while Sagittarius will be too busy testing out new...and not so wonderful...ideas which would probably eventually ruin the business. In addition, both of these signs are of the mutable quality which can only lead to a rough road together.
Gemini/Capricorn: A business partnership between Gemini and Capricorn would only lead to total disaster. These two signs share so many opposing traits that any venture is destined to fail miserably. Indeed, this pair would probably not even make for suitable best friends...unless one of them would be willing to show sufficient change in personality which would soften the situation.
Gemini/Aquarius: A business partnership between Gemini and Aquarius has the potential to prosper. Since both of these signs are governed by the element of air, they generally get along together very well. Here, the ideal would be for Aquarius to handle the challenging area of the business and for Gemini to take care of the selling and advertising. Being the best talker of the two, Gemini will excel in any role that interacts with the public, while the more private and independent Aquarius will shine in the financial planning department.
Gemini/Pisces: A business partnership between Gemini and Pisces does not bode well for success. Both signs here are mutable, liable to change things...and an alarming rate. After several false starts in any venture, it would come as no surprise to most people if the entire business then fell flat on its face.
The most compatible stockbroker for those ruled by Gemini is to be found among Taurus natives.
Investments likely to make money for Gemini individuals include aerospace, airlines, computers and other forms of electronic equipment.
Suitable Occupations Include:
- Exploration - Novelist - Journalism - Merchant - Translator - Publicist - Talk Show Host - Announcer - Mediator - Orator -
- Correspondent - Sculptor - Artist - Woodcarver - Salesperson - Musician - Electrician - Accounting - Photography - Interpreter -