Thursday, April 5, 2007

Element & Quality

The four Zodiac Elements...Fire, Earth, Air and Water...are also known as the Triplicities since there are three signs belonging to each Elemental category. Thus, this trio of Signs share something of a similar basic character. These Elements are also known as the Four Humors, utilized in Astro-Meteorology to describe a type of wind and in other matters associated with the weather. Empedocles, a Fifth Century Greek philosopher, originated the terms "Fire," "Earth," "Air" and "Water," explaining the nature of the universe as an interaction of two opposing principles called "Love" and "Strife" who manipulated the four Elements. Empedocles also stated that these four Elements were all equal and of the same age, each ruling its own province and each possessing its own individual character. Thus, different mixtures of these Elements produced the different natures of things.

Many historic philosophers and alchemists also believed that the four Elements exhibited themeselves in humankind as four varying natures and that one would be more prevalent in each individual than the other three. Elemental signs are basic, being general or generic in nature. The related characteristics may be tempered by other factors, but the Elemental influence nonetheless refers to core human behavior and temperament. The Elemental quality associated with a Sign is dependent upon which of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac the Sun was residing at the time of an individual's birth.

NOTE: In the Wiccan culture and some other Western traditions, there is also a Fifth Element known as Pure Spirit, "Quinta Essentia," or Akasha. Akasha is the life force...the basic substance of the Universe and the soul or spiritual being of an individual. It is the subtle spiritual essence that pervades all space...not precisely ether, but an ether-like substance of a spiritual rather than material nature which, in ancient writings, is said to operate by mean of sound or vibration. Thus, it is often identified with the Element of Air, but in a spiritual sense...the "Breath of God" concept. Essentially Akasha stands apart from the Four Elements of the Zodiac and is not depicted within an individual's horoscope. Akasha hints at the freedom of mankind and is a reminder of the "great mystery of the eternal."

Gemini is governed by the Element of Element it shares with the Signs of Libra and Aquarius. Air is also the ruler of the Third, Seventh and Eleventh Houses of the Zodiac. Air is the power of movement, of freshening and of intelligence. Air is also the symbol of the intellectual, representing the power of the mind and clarity of thought. It is believed to be the subtle material realm between the physical and spiritual planes, representing creative imagination and new beginnings. It is from this Element that all thoughts are initiated and where the human spirit ascends to be nourished. Air is traditionally associated with breath...the spirit and/or soul of all living creatures. Sound is a manifestation of the Element of Air. It was once believed that spirits and ghosts possessed the power to wrap themselves inside the wind, thus becoming endowed with invisibility. Associated with this belief is that the presence of a ghost may be indicated by areas of cold air. Howling winds were formerly thought to carry spirits of the night and due to the association of Air, sudden gusts were attributed to spirits and poltergeists. Air is principally concerned with communication, analysis and theory. Those who fall under its jurisdiction are smart-thinkers who are adept at handling abstract reasoning. In short, those who are governed by this Element love to analyze, synethesize and probe. Air describes the part of an individual which perceives himself or herself to be separate from the surrounding environment and seeks to form relationships by understanding how the various pieces can fit into a logical system or overall plan. The traditional symbol for Air is a triangle pointing upward with a horizontal line through the middle.

Air Signs are chiefly associated with communication. Individuals governed by this Element are alert, curious, clever and perceptive souls. They are able to perceive all sides of any equation and can determine the best approach. Balance is of paramount importance to Air natives. While these subjects are often cool, calm and collected, they can become cold if their equilibrium is upset. Freedom of thought and movement are the most cherished desires of those ruled by this Element. They advocate truth and justice and possess the ability to change circumstances with incredible speed. As thinkers, Air individuals tend to rely upon rationality rather than intuition or emotion. They also possess a philosophical approach to life which allows them to endure hardships. Natives of Air can tolerate almost any circumstance provided there is a rational explanation for the situation. They possess magnificent leadership capabilities and have a reputation for being fair. Air is associated with a mental approach, where experiences are processed by way of analyzing, thinking, reasoning and generally making sense out of any given situation. The influence of Air is apt to manifest itself in a most humane manner and those under its influence are blessed with the ability to "walk in another's shoes." These are objective and cooperative individuals who truly desire to make the world a better place. Air subjects are rarely prejudicial and possess a bright idealism which can often accomplish much.

As previously mentioned, the Element of Air is principally concerned with movement and the communication of ideas. Those who fall under its jurisdiction are restless individuals who hunger constantly for new concepts and notions. In short, they require an abundance of stimulation. Air natives are rational, versatile, verbal, quick and alert...possessed with the knowledge that they can charm their way out of anything and resourceful enough to make good things come from difficult situations. Gregarious and social, subject of Air adore collecting information...the main object being to study such information objectively and then disseminate it to everyone else. In essence, these are the informational processors of the Zodiac. Counted among the most unemotional and objective of all Zodiac Signs, those ruled by this Element value truth and realism, can see both sides of opposing issues and have the ability to offer balanced views of each.

Individuals ruled by Air can become negative when their expectation that everyone uphold the same standards is shattered. They cannot seem to grasp why each and every individual does not think and act as they do themselves. Rationalizing of mistakes may also occur, which limits the ability to perceive any situation as a learning experience. Air Signs are devoted to abstract ideas and, at times, may have difficulty in making decisions. This tendency leads others to view them as elusive and often exasperating characters. When those who fall under the influence of this Element are unable to cope with reality, they frequently retreat and attempt to live a "fairy tale" lifestyle. There is a tendency here toward constant movement...much like the wind itself...and even if the body appears to be still, the mind of one influenced by this Element is forever racing from one thing to another. Generally talkative, Air individuals are gregarious and work diligently from an early age to develop their social skills. However, they do find it difficult to make committments...mainly because they truly believe there to be far too many possibilities they have yet to explore. Though blessed with lightning quick mental abilities, natives of Air are apt to struggle in the world of emotions. Thus, those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Element need assistance in such areas.

Air individuals frequently attract those governed by the Element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). However, Air frequently finds the nature of Water to be something of a "closed book." The world of feelings is vague to Air individuals and they fail to comprehend it. To Air, feelings are illogical...psychological at best, which is something Air can only smile about. Nevertheless, it is the native of Water who can offer much in the way of emotional aid to Air since Water tends to breathe more naturally in emotional pools. Air is prone to have a difficult time with Earth in the truest sense of the word. The unwavering sense of reality associated with Earth tends to smash those beautifully created "castles in the Air." However, this can be a valuable combination because the ideas of Air only become useful in the practical sense when they interact with Earth. Air natives are generally most compatible with Fire Signs since Fire needs Air in order to generate heat...and Fire stimulates Air, motivating the inception of new ideas.

Elemental Correspondences

ASPECT/POLARITY: Masculine, which is not a reference to gender but to the associated type of energy. In the case of the masculine aspect, the energy is projective and traditionally conceived as being more active, less receptive and focused on the spiritual/mental world, lending spirituality and activity (both physical and mental) to the character. Masculine signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius) are diurnal or day-oriented by nature, viewed in the same light as the Yang (or bright) polarity of the Tao.
ANGEL OF AIR: Raphael, Archangel of the East.
SEASON: Spring...the time of freshness.
VIRTUE: Knowledge...which is not to infer that Air is more intelligent than the other three Elements, but is generally well-rounded and perhaps better informed. Air is a good communicator, possesses an excellent grasp of language and usually knows a little something about everything. Air is blessed with a good personality and is easy to get to know.
CORE/INDIVIDUALITY: Seer...also known to the ancient philosophers as a priest. Air is mentally inclined, actively acquiring knowledge by means of experience, education and association. In times gone by, the only educated people were either priests or royal personages who took it upon themselves to acquire knowledge. Air is curious, original and possesses initiative, in addition to being (as a general rule) well-disciplined and a quick thinker.
NATURE: Mental and keen-witted. Air rationalizes by thinking things through rather than falling victim to emotional influences or physical factors. Air enjoys any type of entertainment where intellectual capacity and the ability to think quickly and accurately comes into play. Indeed, under such circumstances, Air is almost certain to get the upper hand.
EMOTION: Self appraisal. Air is prone to judge itself extremely harshly and tends to set certain personal standards in terms of hygiene, clothing, education, job performance and family. With the exception of Fire, Air is the most ego-oriented Element of the Zodiac.
EVILS: Chief fault is trickery. Air is crafty, underhanded and ingenious when it comes to evil...though not prone to physical violence. At its worst, Air is the epitome of mean-spiritedness and will invariably harbor a grudge. Air is swift to express opinions and is exceedingly opinionated. Air will not hesitate to verbally express anger, but physical violence is not generally a first choice in terms of an attack.
HUMOR: In Medical Astrology and Astro-Meteorology, the humor of Air is Sanguine, being hot and moist.
COLORS: White, Bright Yellow, Crimson, Pale Blue and Pastels.
MOON PHASE: First Quarter...New Moon (Waning).
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Intelligence, Diligence, Optimism, Dexterity, Persuasiveness and Psychic Abilities.
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Lack of Communication, Tendency to Gossip and Memory Problems.
SENSE: Smell and Hearing.
SYMBOLS: Staff, Wand, Broom, Athame, Sword, Censer, Sky, Wind, Circle, Bird, Bell, Sylph, Flute, Chimes, Breezes, Clouds, Plants, Herbs, Flowers and Trees.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Flute and all Wind Instruments.
PLANTS AND TREES: Almond, Broom, Clover, Lavender, Frankincense, Pine, Mhyrr, Pansy, Primrose, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow, Dill and the Aspen Tree.
STONES: Topaz, Yellow Flourite, Crystals, Amethyst, Alexandrite, light stones such as Pumice and transparent stones such as Mica.
METALS: Tin and Copper.
LOCATIONS: Mountaintops, Tree Tops Plains, Windy Beaches, High Towers Airports Schools and Libraries.
ANIMALS: Birds (especially the Eagle, Hawk and Raven), Insects and Spiders.
ELEMENTAL SPIRITS: Sylphs (ruled by Paralda), Zephyrs and Faeries who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes and mountains.
POINT IN LIFE: Childhood and Infancy.
BODY PARTS: Chest, Lungs, Throat and the Brain.
HOUR: Dawn.
DIRECTION: East...the place of Sunrise and direction of the greatest light...ruled by Eurus, God of the East Wind, who was said to have built his home near the palace of Helios (the Sun) and was credited with bringing warmth and rain. The East also symbolizes the light of wisdom and consciousness. Its color is yellow, like the Sun itself and the sky at dawn.
MOTTO: To Know.

The Quality

Within each of the Triplicities or Elements is found a category known as the Qualities...also referred to as the Quadruplicities, Modes or Common States. There are three Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each Quality addresses the manner of expression which will be displayed by the individual who falls within its jurisdiction, based upon which of the four Elements predominates. Thus, the Element (either Fire, Earth, Air or Water) will dictate the core characteristics, while the Quality (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) will dictate the way in which those characteristics are expressed.

Gemini is a Mutable Quality Sign (a Quality it shares with Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Mutable Signs coincide with the times of change in the Seasons...when that which has once been firmly established breaks down to clear a passage for the new. Thus, this is an unpredictable period which calls for adaptation. Mutable Signs dissolve the Fixed Quality of the Signs which precede them. The energy associated with this Mutable Quality is open to change, responding swiftly to new circumstances and to come up with solutions in the blink of an eye. As the third Sign of Spring, Gemini is the maintainer of this Season. The Mutable Quality is a mentally active one whose focus is directed toward knowledge and a desire to change personal consciousness. Here, there is also a constant search for ways to make improvements. Mutable Quality energy is versatile and impressionable in its approach. There is a distinct duality in all Signs which fall into the Mutable category which gives them a talent for seeing both sides at the same time. However, taken to the extreme, this Mutable energy can initiate a cycle of restless indecision which often takes its toll upon the nervous system. As the Chameleons of the Zodiac, Mutable Signs are both versatile and flexible in every new situation, being only too happy to fill an assigned role. They adapt easily to changing conditions and like variety. Mutable Signs rarely have a particular agenda and can at times be "wishy-washy" or inconsistent with a dislike for assuming responsibility. Standing their ground is of little importance to Mutable individuals and they would much rather conform to the "norm," provided doing so will help the greater good. Mutable Signs are blessed with tremendous resourcefulness. They enjoy learning, are proponents of "fair play" and are also diplomatic. Sharp, sympathetic and able to see the essential elements of any given issue, Mutable subjects are quick to help others and are selfless in the process. Although there is a tendency for Mutable Signs to occasionally stretch themselves to the point of breaking, they are also adept at bouncing back. Mutable Quality Signs are correlated with the principle of harmony and may be conceived as spiralic patterns of energy. Gemini symbolizes spirals of energy which are directed upward and future-oriented. The essential nature of Mutable energy movement is to take what was initiated in the Cardinal and stablized in the Fixed, adapting these energies to the changing conditions of time and space. The Mutable Quality native is a perfect go-between, making contacts and connections wherever he or she might travel. In essence, the Mutable Quality is indicative of flexibility and adaptability, thriving on change and variety. It is also the most resourceful of the Qualities, able to make much from little, but can become so wrapped-up in tiny particulars that sight of the whole may be lost.

As an Air Sign with Mutable Quality, Gemini individuals are highly intellectual with an enormous need for stimulation. They require news and information in much the same manner as the other Zodiac Signs require oxygen and they thoroughly enjoy the exchange of ideas with others. In short, these natives are defintely not "loners." The minds of such individuals move constantly at the speed of light, able to process varying items of information in a multitude of ways. Indeed, these subjects are rather good at figuring things out...anything from the programming of a VCR to the facts of a murder mystery. Here, there is an overwhelming desire to analyze, synthesize and probe for informative data. There is an undeniable talent for the changing of a position as quickly as new information can be assimilated while remaining, at all times, totally objective. The downfall of this Gemini native may well lie in the adeptness of handling several things all at once since this may result in the adoption of far too much responsibility. At that point, there is likely to be displays of procrastination and scattered thought processes. However, if this native can manage to stay focused, then he or she is likely to accomplish more in one day than most others can accomplish in an entire week. This particular Mutable Air Quality Sign also has something of a reputation for being overly-inquisitive and, if there is a secret which needs to be kept, one would be best advised not to divulge it to a Gemini since this individual is a "spreader of news" and finds it difficult to maintain silence. The Element of Air provides Gemini with the strongest communication skills of all Mutable Quality Signs and many of these individuals make for superb writers. For this reason, they are often journalists or editors...or wish that they were since they seem to be happiest in newsrooms, night clubs, airports or anywhere else where things simply keep on happening. In addition, Gemini is also the most physically violent of the Air Signs...the only one liable to physically react instantly in anger. Thus, it is important that Gemini natives steer clear of such mind-altering substances as alcohol.