Gemini Pet - Owner Compatibility
ARIES OWNER: This is a good combination for both pet and human. The energy between these two will run high and there is a naturally strong bonding. The Gemini pet will be eager to accompany the Aries human on any venture the human is willing to share with his or her companion...particularly if it involves the outdoors or the learning of new tricks. TAURUS OWNER: This combination is likely to be both interesting and nerve-wracking. Since the Gemini pet operates on an abundance of nervous energy and the Taurus human is likely to be more grounded, the pet here is sure to give the human a run for his or her money. The Gemini pet will probably want to be constantly entertained, either by a variety of toys, learning new tricks or expecting constant human attention. Since the Taurus human would undoubtedly prefer to "stay put," he or she may sometimes feel somewhat frazzled by the Gemini pet...especially if the pet happens to be a dog, bird or monkey.
GEMINI OWNER: This will be a truly magnificent partnership..a pair of souls who are constantly getting into all manner of mischief together. The Gemini human will teach the Gemini pet some tricks and, in turn, the Gemini pet may even teach the Gemini human a trick or two. With both the human and the pet here being on the same mental and physical planes, each will prove to be a great energizer for the other. In short, the Gemini human and the Gemini pet are extremely similar in character and the pet is likely to possess something of a sense of humor (many animals do). Each will feed off the other in this combination and life will be a round of almost endless fun.
CANCER OWNER: The human here is likely to need a lot more attention from the Gemini pet than he or she is probably going to receive. By nature, Gemini natives of all species (including humans) are very frivolous souls who refuse to take things too seriously and do not require (or give) much in the way of affection. Since it is inherent in the Cancer character to be needy, moody, sedate and affectionate, the nervous, very active and inattentive Gemini pet will be far from an ideal choice.
LEO OWNER: This combination will undoubtedly prove to be a good one. The Gemini pet is as flexible as the Leo human and will likely comform to whatever the Leo human suggests...which is exactly how the Leo human likes things to be. The human here will enjoy the pet's yielding manner, to say nothing of the pet's constant sense of fun and frivolity. In short, the Gemini pet will share the Leo human's enthusiasm for adventure and will prove to be a magnificent companion in any variety of activities that the Leo human chooses to undertake.
VIRGO OWNER: Even though the temperaments of the Virgo human and the Gemini pet may not be perfectly matched, these two are likely to share some scintillating moments and the Virgo human is flexible enough to indulge the Gemini pet's desire for short, sweet games and romps. However, the Gemini pet may not have the patience to sit around watching the Virgo human engage in homely activities. Virgo natives like to teach and Gemini subjects are eager to learn, so this is probably where pet and human in this instance will connect the most. The more things the Virgo human can teach to his or her Gemini pet, then the happier both will be and the healthier the relationship. Lack of this type of interaction will probably result in both pet and human driving each other crazy.
LIBRA OWNER: Both pet and human here are air signs, which is favorable for general compatability, but the Libra human will be more sedentary than the Gemini pet who, more often than not, is likely to be very active. There will be some common ground on an actively mental level which will aid communcation between the two, and the Gemini pet will enjoy the endless tricks that the Libra human will tirelessly teach, so both pet and human will enjoy some type of intangible link...although the Libra human is not likely to be able to pinpoint the exact nature of the bond.
SCORPIO OWNER: The Scorpio human will likely tolerate a Gemini pet in the same manner as a babysitter tolerates whoever he or she is babysitting. The human here will appreciate the playful demeanor of the pet up to a point...or until the Scorpio human has "had enough," and it almost goes without saying that once Scorpio natives have "had enough," then it truly is "enough." The Gemini pet will not present much trouble to the Scorpio human when it comes to being disciplined. As much as the pet will enjoy being frivolous and mischievous, the Gemini pet is also a fast learner...particularly with strong-minded humans such as Scorpio. Still, when all is said and done, the Scorpio human will appreciate the Gemini pet for punctuating his or her days with moments of gaiety and lightheartedness.
SAGITTARIUS OWNER: This is a remarkably good combination of pet and human...a pair who will take to each other from the moment they first meet. There is a marvellous chemistry here...temperaments, energy levels and interests all knit very nicely, and there will constantly be fun times because both the Sagittarius human and the Gemini pet are playful by nature.
CAPRICORN OWNER: If the Capricorn human is a carefree soul (which is really something of a contradiction), then he or she may enjoy a frivolous Gemini pet. If not, then a Gemini pet might be exactly what the Capricorn human needs in any event. This pet might actually make the Capricorn human smile...or even laugh...and may encourage this human to get out of a rut by proving that life really can be fun. Although this combination may not be temperamentally suited, there could still be a "certain something" in the relationship to make for good friends. One thing both have in common is that neither tends to emote very much. The Gemini pet will be expressive, at least, but not particularly affectionate. The Capricorn human is not even very expressive and rarely displays affection. However, on the other hand, pet and human here may only rub each other the wrong way in a figurative sense. The pet will be too active and expressive for the Capricorn human...the human (never wanting to go for a walk or indulge in play) will be too "stodgy" for the Gemini pet. In short, this is possibly a good combination...but not one which is likely to turn out very satisfactorily for either.
AQUARIUS OWNER: This combination will indeed prove to be be a fun relationship. Both pet and human operate principally on nervous energy and can frolic almost constantly without tiring each other out. Although the human here is a "fixed" sign and the pet is a "mutable" sign, both are governed by air...which means they have similar tendencies, likes and dislikes. In addition, both Aquarius human and Gemini pet prefer not to get too friendly, so neither will infringe upon the other. There will be a fair amount of attention displayed on both sides, but neither pet nor human will expect much more than what is given. In short, the Aquarius human and the Gemini pet are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves...or each other...while maintaining a relatively healthy distance.
PISCES OWNER: Allthough the Pisces human is likely to be constantly amused by the Gemini pet's spunk, agility and intelligence, he or she may not possess the "wherewithal" to go along with everything that the Gemini nature needs to express. The Gemini pet is very active...both physically and mentally...and will always be looking for something "fun" to do with much eagerness and impatience. The nature of the Pisces human is more in keeping with "lying low" and not indulging in anything too active. At best, this will be something of a "run-of-the-mill" relationship for both pet and human.