The Cusps
May 19 to May 26
The Taurus/Gemini cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Energy, corresponds symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of fourteen. The firm-set Taurus nature here (which is controlled by the Planet Venus) acts as a counter-balance to the activity of Mercury (the Planet which rules Gemini) with its quick and mercurial ways. Because of the Gemini character, the desire to try new things is in the ascendant, but there is an inherent reluctance to relinquish the old...a carry-over from Taurus. This factors greatly in stability. However, an excess of this trait can hamper the Gemini nature and may result in an attempt to do two things at once...usually to the detriment of both. It can also make these cuspians stubborn about lesser things, even when they know little about them. Self-control is strongly needed in this blend and, once acquired, will enable these individuals to correct yet another aspect often lacking in this particular cusp combination...that being concentration, which is essential to this highly adaptable but somewhat contradictory Zodiac type. Those governed by the Taurus/Gemini cusp are said to be gifted in any domain they see fit to enter. These are often the artisans (and frequently the artists) of the Zodiac but, without the correct early training, are likely to develop in an abnormal fashion with a tendency to spend their time in sensuous enjoyment. These cuspians are said to have three masters: Castor and Pollux (who are seldom in harmony) and the Bull (who is ever determined to rule that historic pair). At best, these individuals are very busy and worst, they become indolent.
Taurus/Gemini natives are exceedingly proud souls who would undoubtedly prefer starvation to dependence. If they do happen to find themselves in humble circumstances, then they will certainly be very miserable but, displaying entirely too much pride than is good for them, begging for help of any kind will be totally out of the question. These are glorious givers but reluctant receivers...a trait which can result in a character who is overly-free with money and a tendency to be wasteful. Thus, it is important that these cuspians develop a purposeful aspect to their nature. Nevertheless, these subjects can succeed at almost anything if they are willing to try. They are always active and energetic with refined manners and pleasing habits. They possess a keen interest in the world around them and the inherent charm cannot fail to draw innumerable friends and sweethearts. However, those involved with Taurus/Gemini individuals (who are notorious for their reputation as unstrustworthy souls) are likely to live in constant fear of losing them. To some, this may be an appealing others, it is a frightening concept, particularly in the areas of business and employment. The brilliance of these cuspians is not normally sufficient to guarantee success in a given field unless such is supported by a string of undeniable accomplishments. Unfortunately, the characteristic associated with this cusp rarely manifests an endurance which is equal to personal desires and impulses. While slower and more purposeful people simply "hang in there," Taurus/Gemini individuals often find themselves being passed in life's race...rather like the hare was overtaken by the self-possessed and deliberate tortoise. The preparation of a resume may well be a rather painful process for these cuspians since it will likely reveal an eclectic background which is lacking any real depth...short sojourns in each job and somewhat dubious accomplishments, for example. Learning about the creation of structure and the value of limitations is essential for the growth of a Taurus/Gemini individual.
Taurus/Gemini cuspians will probably easily perceive themselves as more of a force than a person. No experts in self-awareness, from an early age they tend to forge a role for themselves in life which is active rather than passive...dynamic rather than static. As children, they are interested in everything around them, apt to fly every which way in their search for stimulation. These cuspians want to do it all and take on the world through a frontal assault. Some Taurus/Gemini individuals fail to form a strong ego when they are young, constantly wishing to please and often fearful of rejection. This can result in a character which accepts the wishes of others at personal expense. Thus, self-assertion and the building of a powerful ego can become a lifelong occupation for these cuspians. Taurus/Gemini individuals frequently remain youthful and light-hearted their entire lives, but the inherent need for physical pleasure can lead to an over-emphasis on money and the accumulation of possessions. Indeed, they are frequently somewhat addicted to sensuousness (and, at times, sensuality), prone to carry their tendencies to extreme and apt to invest in such items as fast cars and other material means of stimulation. In addition, without the correct training early in life, these cuspians may develop exceedingly large bodies. Nevertheless, these are basically tolerant and gentle souls who are often perceived by others as being scattered and highly-strung. The many interests of Taurus/Gemini subjects make them entertaining and loyal friends with a carefree and unpredictable twist. In their leisure time, Taurus/Gemini individuals enjoy pairing up with partners for recreation. Outdoor activities that allow a closeness with the earth are most favored. The love of conversation and good food ensures that relaxing dinners with friends are highly enjoyable and the inquisitive and literary orientation of this cuspian means that he or she will also enjoy mentally challenging pursuits. In short, the Taurus/Gemini cusp combination makes for a charming and congenial individual who has many friends and acquaintances in all areas of life.
With regard to relationships, since the rulers of this cusp combination are Venus and Mercury, any love affair must be both physical and mental in origin. The practical applications of artistic ability and authorship are profound on this cusp and domestic life is best if financially secure and mentally stimulated. The elements of earth (associated with Taurus) and air (associated with Gemini) rarely blend well. Instead, each element will seek to find its own territory or outlet. Taurus/Gemini individuals are inclined to be richly sensual by nature and, if left alone or isolated, may well become deeply depressed. Projects that are many-faceted and require patience can help in the healing of hurts for this combination. If security is threatened, a nervousness and lack of mental grounding may occur and it is essential for these cuspians to guard the throat and upper respiratory tract since, under stress, these body parts become most vulnerable to attack.
The great strengths of the Taurus/Gemini combination are stability, perseverance, and both intellectual and conversational skills. These cuspians are able to analyze difficult ideas and communicate those ideas to others in a clear an concise manner. Their methodical determination enables them to be productive even when others have long since "given up the ghost." There is a natural talent here to reason with others and this cusp combination is one of the strongest of the Zodiac when it comes to meeting goals...largely due to the inherent reliable persistence.
The most important lesson to be learned by Taurus/Gemini natives is that they should always be careful not to wear themselves out and realize that there are limits to what an individual can achieve in a short period of time. Additionally, it is important for them learn not to come on too strong and they also need to recognize the value of confronting personal fears and insecurities. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Aries/Taurus and Sagittarius/Capricorn combinations.
-- Possess the earthy physical traits inherent in Taurus --
-- Possess the airy activities of thought, communication, nervous excitement and energetic movement inherent in Gemini --
-- Energetic, convincing and prolific --
-- Tendency toward over-indulgence in things that they like --
-- Prone to wear themselves out --
-- Find it difficult to set limits on themselves --
-- Thrive on verbal interchange...and are talented in that area --
-- Prone to "come on too strong" --
-- Reluctant to confront fears and insecurities --
-- Versatile --
Malcolm X; Grace Jones; Cher; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Joan Collins; Bob Dylan; and Victoria, Queen of England
June 20 to June 27
The Gemini/Cancer cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Magic, correspondences symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of twenty-one. Romantic and inspirational, these natives often employ their talents and energies in the service of a higher, religion, philosophy, arts and political or social causes, for example. These are individuals who can wholeheartedly throw themselves into devotional activities and often appear to be mild, even self-effacing characters. Many Gemini/Cancer subjects prefer anonymity in their careers, although there can also be more aggresive natives of this cusp who become assertive as they mature and have no problem in letting the world know who they are. Easily seduced, most of these cuspians have the ability to enchant those around them...both consciously and unconsciously. Such individuals do possess a rather sweetly innocent charm and need to be wary of being imposed upon. However, by virtue of the inherent defensive instinct associated with this cusp combination, even the most mild of these natives will be inclined to gently lay down emotional guidelines that should not be overstepped. The more aggresive of these cuspians are frequently well aware of their powers of persuasion and may employ such power without any qualms whatsoever in order to get their own way, even though others might be hurt in the process.
Blessed with charm and magnetism, Gemini/Cancer subjects can be remarkably cool characters possessed with a useful objectivity, and their reasoning abilities may well prove to be an effective foil to deep emotions. Falling within the influence of both Gemini and Cancer, these cuspians are, in fact, a rather interesting blend of logic and feeling. Thus, when an appeal is made to the emotions of others, it is done in a detached and thoughful manner. Not ones to be easily upset, Gemini/Cancer natives inspire confidence by way of sympathy, concern and a willingness to help. They possess the knack of entering the hearts of those they love and a reluctance to relinquish that position, even when separations are necessary. These cuspians tend to be rather private people who are far from eager to grant others access to their inner world. They often fare best when they are able to work from home and will frequently set up such a home as a type of retreat or sanctuary. If the Gemini/Cancer native does allow another to share his or her living space, then such implies immense trust and a great deal of respect for the other person. An invitation to visit this highly personal world is more often the giving of a true gift or the reflection of a desire to share, rather than a sign of ostentation or need for sociability. Indeed, there is a danger here for these cuspians to isolate themselves from the society around them and retreat into an unproductive dreamworld. Such detachment will stunt the personal and spiritual development of these natives which could, later in life, be perceived by them as a sign of failure. Thus, remaining in touch with reality is important for Gemini/Cancer subjects and they need to find friends and partners who are more extroverted by nature in order to provide an essential link to the world. There is also a tendency for these cuspians to be passively selfish and others may view this as a demand for constant attention...a belief that the Gemini/Cancer cuspian thinks the world revolves around him or her. In short, the special needs and wants of these natives can impose heavy demands upon friends and intimates who may, at the same time, find themselves denying their own emotional and physical requirements...particularly if they are sensitive souls.
From an early age, these subjects are inclined to be reckless and wayward, prone to neglect all other matters in favor of amusement and pleasure. Thus, it is important that the children of this cusp combination be guided by a vigilant eye and a firm but loving hand. The inherent persuasive power of Gemini/Cancer natives becomes particularly evident in matters involving money. The males of this cusp have no difficulty in obtaining control over the purse strings of their women friends, while the females of this cusp, with their ingratiating manners and wheedling tones, find it all too easy to secure liberal "loans" without having to provide any form of security. Losses or gains are of little importance to these cuspians. If temporary failure is encountered in one direction, it appears to be regarded as nothing more than a "stepping stone" which will help these subjects to regain their feet...and there always seems to be an endless supply of backers waiting to provide aid. There will always be close family ties with siblings here and these natives often remain quite youthful and light-hearted throughout their entire life. This cusp combination is also likely to produce more ambidextrous people than any other in the Zodiac.
Due to the influence of Mercury (Gemini's planetary ruler), there is a strong desire in this cusp combination to take up new projects and switch occupations. This aspect greatly influences the inherently restless nature of Cancer, which has its own personal conflicts and contrasts. With the Moon in the ascendant, these natives need stability which, in an odd fashion, is provided by the "flashback" to Gemini. Those born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer become extremely active during the daytime and all other customary working hours. Thus, such individuals are able to overcome the traditional nightly restlessness customarily associated with Cancer natives. This cusp combination has a strong sense of conservatism which restrains those it governs from adopting an unwise or questionable enterprise...a typical fault attributed to the influence of Mercury. Gemini/Cancer cuspians simply refuse to take a gamble or engage in undue risks beyond a well-defined point. Thus, these subjects tend to create their own brand of traditions...conforming to an innate love of the old while accepting and enjoying the new. Basically, this is a very intuitive cusp combination accompanied by a broad-minded outlook and capacity for abstract reasoning. Emotion plays a key part in the lives of Gemini/Cancer cuspians, but it is checked and balanced with logic. The awareness and intellectual approach to life displayed by such individuals is often refreshing and the emotional honesty can be quite admirable. Gemini/Cancer subjects are suited to any of the occupations traditionally associated with the Sign of Cancer (often with a greater chance of success), as well as many other occupations courtesy of the high activity provided by the Gemini background. These are quick-witted individuals who are extremely intrigued with things around them and discover so much happiness in their own activities that they are able to shake off the retrospective moods which are such a handicap to the true Cancer subject. Once these cuspians have attained an aim, they move on to something else...feeling that the more they do in the future, the more satisfied they will be when it becomes the past.
With regard to relationships, Gemini/Cancer cuspians can make for caring, flirtatious and playful individuals with the ability to understand the difficulties any loved one will need to work through. However, marital vows are frequently not taken very seriously, particularly if such vows interfere with personal pursuits. Indeed, in certain circumstances, these can be rather untruthful and unscrupulous individuals. Nevertheless, the females of this cusp combination are extremely attached to their offspring and, in the event of a divorce, will abandon all else and make any sacrifice necessary to enable them to retain custody of their children. With an immense fondness for conversation and food, Gemini/Cancer cuspians find dinner dates with friends to be highly enjoyable. These natives are inherently inquisitive and literary-oriented, which means they embrace mental challenges with equal enthusiasm as they do physical ones. By virtue of a willingness to constantly try something new, they often make for excellent cooks. Their many interests result in an entertaining and stimulating conversationalist who truly loves people. They often enjoy team sports because of the family feeling a team frequently provides. Physical exercise and artistic endeavors...either written or on canvas...will allow Gemini/Cancer subjects to channel their swirling emotions into productive output.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the Gemini/Cancer cuspian is the blending of intellectual and conversational skills. In addition, with an inherently affectionate nature, this cusp is counted among the most caring characters of the Zodiac.
The most important lesson to be learned by Gemini/Cancer natives is that they need to curb any tendency toward excitability and overindulgence in diversions...particularly during those times when the Moon is on the wane. It is also necessary for them to constantly keep an eye on the desired goal and resist the urge to drift. The inherent tendency to repress feelings should also be avoided. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Aquarius/Pisces and Scorpio/Sagittarius combinations.
-- Possess the flighty and energetic traits inherent in Gemini --
-- Possess the deep feeling inherent in Cancer --
-- Often categorized as inspired individuals --
-- Intensely devoted to loved ones --
-- Find it difficult to keep an eye on the desired goal --
-- Prone to drift --
-- Apt to repress feelings --
Cyndi Lauper; Errol Flynn; Meryl Streep; Kris Krisofferson; and Phylicia Rashad