Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Cusps

The Cusps

Persons born "on the line" between two Zodiac Signs partake of qualities found in both Signs or, more strictly speaking, have a blend of traits that may compose an individual nature. Due to variations in astrological calendars, this may became apparent during the last few days of a departing Sign, but the "cusp" (as it is termed) pertains chiefly to the first week of the incoming Sign. While the new Sign is gaining its ascendancy, the influences of the old will persist but gradually loses its hold day-by-day until, by the seventh day, the new Sign is in complete control.

Taurus -- Gemini
May 19 to May 26

Individuals born on the cusp of Taurus (the second Sign of the Zodiac) and Gemini (the third Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Venus and Mercury. Here, the influence of Venus endows these cuspians with a graceful and easy manner, coupled with a winning personality, while Mercury's influence increases the talent for music, art and eloquence. These individuals are thinkers, orators, artists and inventors. In short, the hands and brain work together in perfect harmony for this cusp combination. They display great imagination and tend to be very expressive, both physically as well as mentally. Taurus/Gemini natives would be well advised to become actively employed since the more they have to occupy their minds, the greater will be personal happiness...massage therapy, pottery, writing, painting and the composing of music can bring great fulfillment to these cuspians. In short, an idle Taurus/Gemini subject is a morbid and unhappy soul indeed.

The Taurus/Gemini cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Energy, corresponds symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of fourteen. The firm-set Taurus nature here (which is controlled by the Planet Venus) acts as a counter-balance to the activity of Mercury (the Planet which rules Gemini) with its quick and mercurial ways. Because of the Gemini character, the desire to try new things is in the ascendant, but there is an inherent reluctance to relinquish the old...a carry-over from Taurus. This factors greatly in stability. However, an excess of this trait can hamper the Gemini nature and may result in an attempt to do two things at once...usually to the detriment of both. It can also make these cuspians stubborn about lesser things, even when they know little about them. Self-control is strongly needed in this blend and, once acquired, will enable these individuals to correct yet another aspect often lacking in this particular cusp combination...that being concentration, which is essential to this highly adaptable but somewhat contradictory Zodiac type. Those governed by the Taurus/Gemini cusp are said to be gifted in any domain they see fit to enter. These are often the artisans (and frequently the artists) of the Zodiac but, without the correct early training, are likely to develop in an abnormal fashion with a tendency to spend their time in sensuous enjoyment. These cuspians are said to have three masters: Castor and Pollux (who are seldom in harmony) and the Bull (who is ever determined to rule that historic pair). At best, these individuals are very busy and worst, they become indolent.

Taurus/Gemini natives are exceedingly proud souls who would undoubtedly prefer starvation to dependence. If they do happen to find themselves in humble circumstances, then they will certainly be very miserable but, displaying entirely too much pride than is good for them, begging for help of any kind will be totally out of the question. These are glorious givers but reluctant receivers...a trait which can result in a character who is overly-free with money and a tendency to be wasteful. Thus, it is important that these cuspians develop a purposeful aspect to their nature. Nevertheless, these subjects can succeed at almost anything if they are willing to try. They are always active and energetic with refined manners and pleasing habits. They possess a keen interest in the world around them and the inherent charm cannot fail to draw innumerable friends and sweethearts. However, those involved with Taurus/Gemini individuals (who are notorious for their reputation as unstrustworthy souls) are likely to live in constant fear of losing them. To some, this may be an appealing others, it is a frightening concept, particularly in the areas of business and employment. The brilliance of these cuspians is not normally sufficient to guarantee success in a given field unless such is supported by a string of undeniable accomplishments. Unfortunately, the characteristic associated with this cusp rarely manifests an endurance which is equal to personal desires and impulses. While slower and more purposeful people simply "hang in there," Taurus/Gemini individuals often find themselves being passed in life's race...rather like the hare was overtaken by the self-possessed and deliberate tortoise. The preparation of a resume may well be a rather painful process for these cuspians since it will likely reveal an eclectic background which is lacking any real depth...short sojourns in each job and somewhat dubious accomplishments, for example. Learning about the creation of structure and the value of limitations is essential for the growth of a Taurus/Gemini individual.

Taurus/Gemini cuspians will probably easily perceive themselves as more of a force than a person. No experts in self-awareness, from an early age they tend to forge a role for themselves in life which is active rather than passive...dynamic rather than static. As children, they are interested in everything around them, apt to fly every which way in their search for stimulation. These cuspians want to do it all and take on the world through a frontal assault. Some Taurus/Gemini individuals fail to form a strong ego when they are young, constantly wishing to please and often fearful of rejection. This can result in a character which accepts the wishes of others at personal expense. Thus, self-assertion and the building of a powerful ego can become a lifelong occupation for these cuspians. Taurus/Gemini individuals frequently remain youthful and light-hearted their entire lives, but the inherent need for physical pleasure can lead to an over-emphasis on money and the accumulation of possessions. Indeed, they are frequently somewhat addicted to sensuousness (and, at times, sensuality), prone to carry their tendencies to extreme and apt to invest in such items as fast cars and other material means of stimulation. In addition, without the correct training early in life, these cuspians may develop exceedingly large bodies. Nevertheless, these are basically tolerant and gentle souls who are often perceived by others as being scattered and highly-strung. The many interests of Taurus/Gemini subjects make them entertaining and loyal friends with a carefree and unpredictable twist. In their leisure time, Taurus/Gemini individuals enjoy pairing up with partners for recreation. Outdoor activities that allow a closeness with the earth are most favored. The love of conversation and good food ensures that relaxing dinners with friends are highly enjoyable and the inquisitive and literary orientation of this cuspian means that he or she will also enjoy mentally challenging pursuits. In short, the Taurus/Gemini cusp combination makes for a charming and congenial individual who has many friends and acquaintances in all areas of life.

With regard to relationships, since the rulers of this cusp combination are Venus and Mercury, any love affair must be both physical and mental in origin. The practical applications of artistic ability and authorship are profound on this cusp and domestic life is best if financially secure and mentally stimulated. The elements of earth (associated with Taurus) and air (associated with Gemini) rarely blend well. Instead, each element will seek to find its own territory or outlet. Taurus/Gemini individuals are inclined to be richly sensual by nature and, if left alone or isolated, may well become deeply depressed. Projects that are many-faceted and require patience can help in the healing of hurts for this combination. If security is threatened, a nervousness and lack of mental grounding may occur and it is essential for these cuspians to guard the throat and upper respiratory tract since, under stress, these body parts become most vulnerable to attack.

The great strengths of the Taurus/Gemini combination are stability, perseverance, and both intellectual and conversational skills. These cuspians are able to analyze difficult ideas and communicate those ideas to others in a clear an concise manner. Their methodical determination enables them to be productive even when others have long since "given up the ghost." There is a natural talent here to reason with others and this cusp combination is one of the strongest of the Zodiac when it comes to meeting goals...largely due to the inherent reliable persistence.

The most important lesson to be learned by Taurus/Gemini natives is that they should always be careful not to wear themselves out and realize that there are limits to what an individual can achieve in a short period of time. Additionally, it is important for them learn not to come on too strong and they also need to recognize the value of confronting personal fears and insecurities. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Aries/Taurus and Sagittarius/Capricorn combinations.

Brief Personality Overview:
-- Possess the earthy physical traits inherent in Taurus --
-- Possess the airy activities of thought, communication, nervous excitement and energetic movement inherent in Gemini --
-- Energetic, convincing and prolific --
-- Tendency toward over-indulgence in things that they like --
-- Prone to wear themselves out --
-- Find it difficult to set limits on themselves --
-- Thrive on verbal interchange...and are talented in that area --
-- Prone to "come on too strong" --
-- Reluctant to confront fears and insecurities --
-- Versatile --

Notable Taurus/Gemini Cuspians Include:
Malcolm X; Grace Jones; Cher; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Joan Collins; Bob Dylan; and Victoria, Queen of England

Gemini -- Cancer
June 20 to June 27

Individuals born on the cusp of Gemini (the third Sign of the Zodiac) and Cancer (the fourth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Mercury and the Moon. These cuspians possess a large degree of brilliance and influence, and tend to control those around them. They dislike work which is perceived to be laborious and the inherent shrewdness here often enables Gemini/Cancer natives to attain the "world's goods" without a great deal of physical or mental effort on their part. Anxious to gain public favor, these cuspians generally succeed by virtue of their great tact and versatility. Interested in heredity and ancestors, this is often reflected in a desire to care for relatives and propagate the family line.

The Gemini/Cancer cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Magic, correspondences symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of twenty-one. Romantic and inspirational, these natives often employ their talents and energies in the service of a higher, religion, philosophy, arts and political or social causes, for example. These are individuals who can wholeheartedly throw themselves into devotional activities and often appear to be mild, even self-effacing characters. Many Gemini/Cancer subjects prefer anonymity in their careers, although there can also be more aggresive natives of this cusp who become assertive as they mature and have no problem in letting the world know who they are. Easily seduced, most of these cuspians have the ability to enchant those around them...both consciously and unconsciously. Such individuals do possess a rather sweetly innocent charm and need to be wary of being imposed upon. However, by virtue of the inherent defensive instinct associated with this cusp combination, even the most mild of these natives will be inclined to gently lay down emotional guidelines that should not be overstepped. The more aggresive of these cuspians are frequently well aware of their powers of persuasion and may employ such power without any qualms whatsoever in order to get their own way, even though others might be hurt in the process.

Blessed with charm and magnetism, Gemini/Cancer subjects can be remarkably cool characters possessed with a useful objectivity, and their reasoning abilities may well prove to be an effective foil to deep emotions. Falling within the influence of both Gemini and Cancer, these cuspians are, in fact, a rather interesting blend of logic and feeling. Thus, when an appeal is made to the emotions of others, it is done in a detached and thoughful manner. Not ones to be easily upset, Gemini/Cancer natives inspire confidence by way of sympathy, concern and a willingness to help. They possess the knack of entering the hearts of those they love and a reluctance to relinquish that position, even when separations are necessary. These cuspians tend to be rather private people who are far from eager to grant others access to their inner world. They often fare best when they are able to work from home and will frequently set up such a home as a type of retreat or sanctuary. If the Gemini/Cancer native does allow another to share his or her living space, then such implies immense trust and a great deal of respect for the other person. An invitation to visit this highly personal world is more often the giving of a true gift or the reflection of a desire to share, rather than a sign of ostentation or need for sociability. Indeed, there is a danger here for these cuspians to isolate themselves from the society around them and retreat into an unproductive dreamworld. Such detachment will stunt the personal and spiritual development of these natives which could, later in life, be perceived by them as a sign of failure. Thus, remaining in touch with reality is important for Gemini/Cancer subjects and they need to find friends and partners who are more extroverted by nature in order to provide an essential link to the world. There is also a tendency for these cuspians to be passively selfish and others may view this as a demand for constant attention...a belief that the Gemini/Cancer cuspian thinks the world revolves around him or her. In short, the special needs and wants of these natives can impose heavy demands upon friends and intimates who may, at the same time, find themselves denying their own emotional and physical requirements...particularly if they are sensitive souls.

From an early age, these subjects are inclined to be reckless and wayward, prone to neglect all other matters in favor of amusement and pleasure. Thus, it is important that the children of this cusp combination be guided by a vigilant eye and a firm but loving hand. The inherent persuasive power of Gemini/Cancer natives becomes particularly evident in matters involving money. The males of this cusp have no difficulty in obtaining control over the purse strings of their women friends, while the females of this cusp, with their ingratiating manners and wheedling tones, find it all too easy to secure liberal "loans" without having to provide any form of security. Losses or gains are of little importance to these cuspians. If temporary failure is encountered in one direction, it appears to be regarded as nothing more than a "stepping stone" which will help these subjects to regain their feet...and there always seems to be an endless supply of backers waiting to provide aid. There will always be close family ties with siblings here and these natives often remain quite youthful and light-hearted throughout their entire life. This cusp combination is also likely to produce more ambidextrous people than any other in the Zodiac.

Due to the influence of Mercury (Gemini's planetary ruler), there is a strong desire in this cusp combination to take up new projects and switch occupations. This aspect greatly influences the inherently restless nature of Cancer, which has its own personal conflicts and contrasts. With the Moon in the ascendant, these natives need stability which, in an odd fashion, is provided by the "flashback" to Gemini. Those born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer become extremely active during the daytime and all other customary working hours. Thus, such individuals are able to overcome the traditional nightly restlessness customarily associated with Cancer natives. This cusp combination has a strong sense of conservatism which restrains those it governs from adopting an unwise or questionable enterprise...a typical fault attributed to the influence of Mercury. Gemini/Cancer cuspians simply refuse to take a gamble or engage in undue risks beyond a well-defined point. Thus, these subjects tend to create their own brand of traditions...conforming to an innate love of the old while accepting and enjoying the new. Basically, this is a very intuitive cusp combination accompanied by a broad-minded outlook and capacity for abstract reasoning. Emotion plays a key part in the lives of Gemini/Cancer cuspians, but it is checked and balanced with logic. The awareness and intellectual approach to life displayed by such individuals is often refreshing and the emotional honesty can be quite admirable. Gemini/Cancer subjects are suited to any of the occupations traditionally associated with the Sign of Cancer (often with a greater chance of success), as well as many other occupations courtesy of the high activity provided by the Gemini background. These are quick-witted individuals who are extremely intrigued with things around them and discover so much happiness in their own activities that they are able to shake off the retrospective moods which are such a handicap to the true Cancer subject. Once these cuspians have attained an aim, they move on to something else...feeling that the more they do in the future, the more satisfied they will be when it becomes the past.

With regard to relationships, Gemini/Cancer cuspians can make for caring, flirtatious and playful individuals with the ability to understand the difficulties any loved one will need to work through. However, marital vows are frequently not taken very seriously, particularly if such vows interfere with personal pursuits. Indeed, in certain circumstances, these can be rather untruthful and unscrupulous individuals. Nevertheless, the females of this cusp combination are extremely attached to their offspring and, in the event of a divorce, will abandon all else and make any sacrifice necessary to enable them to retain custody of their children. With an immense fondness for conversation and food, Gemini/Cancer cuspians find dinner dates with friends to be highly enjoyable. These natives are inherently inquisitive and literary-oriented, which means they embrace mental challenges with equal enthusiasm as they do physical ones. By virtue of a willingness to constantly try something new, they often make for excellent cooks. Their many interests result in an entertaining and stimulating conversationalist who truly loves people. They often enjoy team sports because of the family feeling a team frequently provides. Physical exercise and artistic endeavors...either written or on canvas...will allow Gemini/Cancer subjects to channel their swirling emotions into productive output.

Perhaps the greatest strength of the Gemini/Cancer cuspian is the blending of intellectual and conversational skills. In addition, with an inherently affectionate nature, this cusp is counted among the most caring characters of the Zodiac.

The most important lesson to be learned by Gemini/Cancer natives is that they need to curb any tendency toward excitability and overindulgence in diversions...particularly during those times when the Moon is on the wane. It is also necessary for them to constantly keep an eye on the desired goal and resist the urge to drift. The inherent tendency to repress feelings should also be avoided. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Aquarius/Pisces and Scorpio/Sagittarius combinations.

Brief Personality Overview:
-- Possess the flighty and energetic traits inherent in Gemini --
-- Possess the deep feeling inherent in Cancer --
-- Often categorized as inspired individuals --
-- Intensely devoted to loved ones --
-- Find it difficult to keep an eye on the desired goal --
-- Prone to drift --
-- Apt to repress feelings --

Notable Gemini/Cancer Cuspians Include:
Cyndi Lauper; Errol Flynn; Meryl Streep; Kris Krisofferson; and Phylicia Rashad

Physical Appearance

Those who are born under the jurisdiction of Gemini are usually slender in build and of average height, or slightly taller. The body shape will almost invariably be somewhat thin with a short trunk and long limbs. The stance is normally erect...straight and upright. Gemini subjects possess a certain litheness of limb and movement, with the arms often seeming to be slim and unusually lengthy, giving the appearance of being loosely connected at the shoulders. There is also a tendency for Gemini individuals to swing their arms in a long sweeping motion when they walk. Gemini features are finely-chiseled with soft and pleasing proportions. The eyes are normally light in color with extraordinarily dark and long lashes. This will frequently give the Gemini woman a somewhat feline appearance and even the males of this sign often possess eyelashes that would be the envy of any female. The nose is usually straight and narrow (occasionally displaying something of a hook), ranging from long to dainty, but never sharp in character. The chin will normally be well-proportioned and reserved, while the jaw-line itself is often pointed. The general countenance is one of alertness and intelligence...indeed, there is a high degree of sensibility in all Gemini features. There is also likely to be a fine bone structure associated with Gemini natives which, coupled with light movements, will often set these individuals apart from subjects of other Zodiac Signs. The facial expression of a Gemini individual is frequently charmingly childlike and he or she is quick to smile. The ears tend to be somewhat larger that the accepted norm, but the physique of a Gemini will customarily remain slim even when the food intake begins to cross the limits. The overall look of Gemini individuals is quick-moving and sharp. In general, those governed by this Sign tend to appear years younger than they actually are, being able to wear youthful fashions almost indefinitely with a great deal of success

The legs of many Gemini natives could be referred to as "birdlike," frequently with visible veins due to the thin character of this Sign's skin. There is seldom any tendency toward overweight for those who are governed by this Sign...due in large part to their abundance of nervous energy. The body of a Gemini subject could probably be best described as wiry, being agile in appearance and well-shaped, although the overall physical character may exude a frail quality. The head is often long and narrow between the ears with a wide mouth and high cheekbones. The hands have a tendency to be small while the fingers are likely to be slender and somewhat longer than average. The face may sport a cleft in the chin...or even the nose, which tends, at times, to emit a reddish tinge. The hair of a Gemini individual is usually finely-textured and can be anywhere from light to dark brown in color. However, there is often a tendency toward greyness rather early in life. The Gemini complexion is usually moderate...neither too fair nor overly-swarthy... but is inclined toward the lighter shades. The eyes of a Gemini native are normally very attractive, customarily blue or hazel in color, with eyebrows that seem to naturally form a perfect arch. The teeth may not be overly-strong since this Sign has a tendency to lack calcium content. The voice is typically light and frequently is not unusual for the tone to even become quite shrill during periods of over-excitement. However, the Gemini voice is a very adaptable one and many natives are excellent mimics. The speech rate of this Sign is usually rapid and there is an unfortunate tendency for Gemini subjects to interrupt the conversations of others. The majority of people born under the jurisdiction of this Sign would be considered handsome individuals. The female is invariably short of stature, while remaining very graceful, and during youth, Gemini subjects are often extremely lean in build, displaying a rather restless manner.

To some extent, the above descriptions are influenced and affected by the qualities associated with the Decan into which the Gemini individual falls. (To read more about the qualities associated with the Decans of Gemini, please click on the link given below.)

A subject born within the First Decan (May 23 to June 1...also known as the Gemini Decante of Gemini) is likely to be medium-tall to tall in height and heavy-boned with a broad physique. There is a distinct tendency to plumpness and obesity with this Decan, unlike the customary Gemini tendency not to put on weight. Another prominent feature is an unusually broad jaw, but comparatively small chin. The arms will be relatively long with short feet and somewhat "pudgy" hands. The voice here is extremely clear with precise and usually correct speech. These natives are seldom at a loss for something to say, even if they know little about the subject in question. The nose of those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Decan is usually straight and pointed. There tends to be a rather youthful appearance associated with this Decan and its natives are often left-handed or even ambidextrous. As with the other two Decans of Gemini, these First Decan individuals will be mentally quick and curious, possessing a very direct and fearless gaze.

A subject born within the Second Decan (June 2 to June 11...also known as the Libra Decante of Gemini) is likely to be identified by a broad build. The height will be medium-tall to tall. The eyelids of those who are governed by this Decan often droop on the outside corners, giving the appearance of pointing upward in the middle. There is a tendency here for a large chin and the eyebrows will frequently move up in the center while this native is talking. The nose of this Decan is fairly strong and quite prominent. Bone structure and skin texture are invariably good and the teeth are well-formed. The voice may be unusually well-balanced...even musical. As with the other two Decans of Gemini, those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Second Decan will be mentally quick and curious, possessing a very direct and fearless gaze.

A subject born within the Third Decan (June 12 to June 21...also known as the Aquarius Decante of Gemini) can be anywhere in height from short to medium to tall. However, the build will invariably be slender and the nose pointed (a facial feature particularly associated with Aquarius). The overall effect will be that of an individual who is thin and birdlike and who may appear smaller than his or her actual height. Natives of this Third Decan usually have some essentially striking physical unusual eye color perhaps or an abundance of hair which grows in a unique fashion. Regardless, this unusual feature is sure to draw the attention of others...possibly rather more than these subjects would prefer at times. The countenance is normally friendly and a smile comes easily to the faces of these natives, displaying their outstandingly attractive teeth. As with the other two Decans of Gemini, those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Third Decan will be mentally quick and curious, possessing a very direct and fearless gaze.

The Gemini Child

The little Gemini will be mentally alert, responsive and incredibly entertaining. This child is something of an "intellectual," living more in the mental world of thoughts rather than in feelings, emotions or the material plane. Gemini children prefer to be out in social environments...however, their capacity for early mental and social development can mask emotional insecurities. Schedules should be flexible rather than attached to routine and it is sometimes necessary for caregivers to avoid over-stimulation of the little Gemini's active mind...a period of storytelling, for example, can help this child to relax. Gemini children usually have difficulty in finishing one project prior to beginning another. This tends to make the child appear unreliable and indecisive when, in fact, his or her active mind races faster than the small body can keep up. Although the little Gemini should be taught not leave any work unfinished, confinement and close study will be very irksome to this character and he or she will require an unusual amount of physical exercise. Without it, the small Gemini will find it impossible to keep hands, feet and bodies quiet for any length of time.

These are quick-witted children, extraordinary clever and able to verbally express themselves extremely well. In short, the Gemini child will be a wonderfully eager, bright and restless little individual. Thus, any early training will demand sympathetic understanding of this child's complex nature. It is important to teach this little one self-control in all eat slowly and learn to yield to authority, for instance. The Gemini child will be a busy child, but one who is rarely content...continually searching for something to do or somewhere to go. It is not unusual for any caregiver who does not understand the restless nature of this child to experience intense anxiety regarding the little Gemini's safety and well-being. It is necessary to train the mind of a Gemini child to resist the inclination to run riot and conjure up all manner of evils. This little one needs to be taught that his or her easily-aroused fears are groundless and that he or she will be kept safe from harm. Gemini children are among the most susceptible of the Zodiac to affection, tenderness and gentleness. They should never be threatened or taught to fear anything (with the exception of true evil) and the utmost care must be given for their bodily and spiritual welfare. The Gemini child needs to be raised in an atmosphere of quiet and restfulness. In addition, it is paramout that this little one be shielded from excitement and exciting scenes.

The Gemini child is kind and loving by nature, as well as being willing and expressive in disposition. He or she will exhibit much curiosity and a deep desire to learn about absolutely everything. This child enjoys adventure and travel, while continuing to maintain sensitivity and imagination. There is a tendency for the little Gemini to be high-strung and excitable, but he or she still finds it easy to make friends. The Gemini child needs focus, balance and encouragement in order to see things through to completion. Since this the children of this Sign lack patience and persistence, they may find it very difficult to listen without interrupting. Possessed of a vivid imagination, the little Gemini has a tendency toward untruthful exaggeration in both actions and speech. If frequently opposed or compelled to act contrary to personal desires, this child could easily become one extremely tricky little individual, being both evasive and deceitful. However, the Gemini child responds well if an appeal is made to his or her reason and will almost always heed advice and counsel when such is given in a calm and quiet manner.

While usually quite good at all manner of things, the Gemini child is seldom exceptional at any of them. Superficiality tends to be the worst problem with this little one, which means that while he or she possesses the intellectual ability to excel, there is usually a distinct lack of patience or tenacity to do so. Conversation and communication will be paramout to this child, who will often learn to talk at an extremely early age. In a similar fashion, the writing skills of the little Gemini are also likely to be well-developed early in life. It is usually the Gemini child who asks adults the most awkward of questions, simply because they have a great desire to know. In addition, the sense of humor in this little one is often mature beyond his or her years.

Usually a bouncy and healthy child, the little Gemini is full of vitality. However, since this child is essentially a logical little soul, he or she will probably not handle personal emotions very well when there is a conflict between the heart and the head. With a tendency to internalise any feelings, the Gemini child may suffer from nervous tension, which can lead to fussy eating habits and other displays of a negative nature. This little one often does well in school, although a certain amount of such success can be attributed to the inherent charm. The main potential problem with educating a Gemini child is a dislike of routine...something which will also likely dominate this little one's family life, both present and future. Since it is virtually impossible for any school to constantly cater to the lively Gemini mind, it is important that the parents of this child make every attempt to maintain interest at home through fun and educational activities.

Gemini children will have many dual experiences...two courses of action or two subjects of their lives which will likely force them to learn how to make choices. Since the Gemini child loathes boredom, it is important than any caregiver make sure that the day's schedule is full and varied. Restricting a Gemini child mentally and physically will lead to an emotionally depressed adult. Given their grand sense of humor, Gemini children will probably be "class clowns," pulling faces and telling jokes in order to garner a laugh. The little Gemini often proves to be ambidextrous, adept at magic tricks and with musical instruments. However, it is often necessary to remind this child of the consequences which come with experimentation. It is also important to encourage honesty. In sum, a great responsibility rests upon any caregiver entrusted with a Gemini child who, in adulthood, can become a noble and loveable individual or, just as easily, become the exact reverse...dependent upon the experiences of the early years.

As the Gemini child grows to adulthood, abundant energy will be apparent, as will a love of debate and discussion. The young mature Gemini is likely to have many partners before he or she finally settles down since the Gemini character is notoriously selective in such matters. However, once the decision has been made, then he or she can invariably look forward to a lively and interesting future.

Since Gemini is one of the air signs (together with Libra and Aquarius), any child governed by this element is likely to experience difficulties in relating to the feelings of others. Thus, a good amount of time should be devoted at an early age to teaching the children of Air the art of interacting with their peers. There may also be a streak of indecisiveness apparent in children ruled by Air and they need to be patiently taught the importance of making decisions, taking a stand or supporting a conviction without being "wishy-washy" and constantly changing their minds. It is also paramout for Air children to learn that charm does not always necessarily work. If this lesson is failed to be learned when young, then Air children will grow up attempting to charm their way through life...often at the expense of those around them.

Qualities To Encourage:
Vitality - Versatility - Intellectual Ability - Communication Talents

Qualities To Discourage:
Superficiality - Inconsistency - Nervous Tension

Suitable Future Careers:
Civil Service - Education - Government - Beauty Culture - Stage - Fashion and Luxury Trades - Travel Industry

Parent Child Relationships

Aries Parent/Gemini Child: This combination comes with an abundance of energy, but comprised of two vastly different qualities. The Gemini child is likely to quesion every move made by an Aries parent...not necessarily a bad thing, since it may make the adult Aries think before acting (something those governed by Aries are not usually apt to do). In return, the Aries parent will encourage the little Gemini to stop thinking quite so much and "just do it." Thus, the Gemini child could acquire a little more spontaneity to his or her traditionally indecisive nature. In short, this relationship is likely to be one where both parent and child get along quite well and there will probably be plenty of fun times shared in the company of each other.

Taurus Parent/Gemini Child: In this relationship, the Gemini child may feel smothered by the Taurus parent. The Gemini character is an active one...both physically and mentally...whereas Taurus moves gently, slowly and gracefully. The Gemini child is almost certain to "rock the boat" of any Taurus parent, but this may not necessarily be a bad thing since those governed by Taurus can become far too set in their ways. Continual questioning from the little Gemini may force the adult Taurus to take a closer look at himself or herself and maybe even make a few changes. The Taurus parent will provide firm grounding for the Gemini child, supplying guidance and direction for this little one's vast store of energy.

Gemini Parent/Gemini Child: Where there is a combination of two members of what is probably the most curious Sign of the Zodiac in the same vicinity, then nobody's personal business will be safe. Both parent and child will want to know everything. The house is liable to be overflowing with books, computer programs and telephone lines...a virtual information bureau of sorts. This parent and child will fuel each other's love of communication and there is sure to be a shared interest in education and learning. The Gemini parent will look forward to hearing about the Gemini child's events in school that day and there will probably never be a dull moment with this parent/child coupling. After all or otherwise...have returned home and the Gemini parent finally gets a chance to sit down for a chat with his or her Gemini child, there is little doubt that strong bonds and a healthy open relationship will be formed.

Cancer Parent/Gemini Child: This relationship could cause much confusion because each has a completely different set of priorities in life. The Cancer parent enjoys sitting by the fire with the security of the family all around. Above all, the Cancer individual desires domestic bliss. However, such is not nearly enough for the young Gemini mind, which is active and restless. If forced to remain at home, the little Gemini will be chatting on the telephone or insist on having friends come visit...although he or she would truly prefer to be out socializing. It is important that the Cancer parent understand and respect the need of the Gemini child for constant activity. Rather than attempt to dampen such a restless spirit, the Cancer adult should accept it and work toward providing a safe and secure environment to which the Gemini child can return in order to "recharge the batteries" at the end of a busy day.

Leo Parent/Gemini Child: This parent/child combination will make for an abundance of fun times. Those governed by Leo enjoy parenthood because it gives them a chance to be a child once again. The antics of the little Gemini will most certainly keep the adult Leo amused and there will be plenty of word games, puzzles, comedy shows and impersonations to pass the time. A Leo parent will take great pride in the mentally-active Gemini child and little Gemini will respect and admire his or her dramatic and flamboyant parent. All-in-all, this will be an all-round happy and healthy parent/child relationship.

Virgo Parent/Gemini Child: This combination will contain plenty of mental activity between parent and child. The Virgo parent will encourage the little Gemini's love of learning and there will be a great emphasis placed on education in this household with easy accessiblity to books, encyclopedias and computers. The adult Virgo will encourage the little Gemini's critical abilities and teach, through example, the benefits of being consistent with ideas and mental patterns. There is likely to be much discussion and debate between this parent/child combination...but plenty of social activity too, which should keep both the Mercury-ruled parent and the Mercury-ruled child happy and content.

Libra Parent/Gemini Child: The Libra parent will particularly enjoy the rapport and chatter of the inquisitive and bright Gemini child. In this combination, both parent and child share the element of Air and thus, a love of socializing. The little Gemini will take an avid interest in the activities of his or her Libra parent and will probably amuse all adult acquaintances with a constant stream of questions...although this can become a little irritating at times. This energetic child who is almost continually hyperactive often suffers from tension, but this is nicely balanced by the character of the Libra parent, who seldom allows things to get out of control or go too far.

Scorpio Parent/Gemini Child: Initially, it would seem that the lively and inquisitive Gemini child has little (if anything) in common with his or her intense and deeply-emtional Scorpio parent. Indeed, it is necessary to undertake a profound search in in order to find any elements of comparison with this combination, but both possess an overwhelming curiosity. The Scorpio love of research and in-depth information will stimulate the active mind of the small Gemini. While the Scorpio parent seeks out the deep meanings of fables and fairytales (which he or she will doubtless read to the Gemini child on a regular basis), the little Gemini will be satisfied with the information itself and the basic meaning of the long as fresh and new stories keep on coming to satisfy the inherent curiosity. It is not unusual for a close parent/child bond to be formed with this combination, coupled with a mutually-shared passion...the lifelong search for information.

Sagittarius Parent/Gemini Child: This is an immensely compatible parent/child relationship, being opposite Signs in the Zodiac. Both the Sagittarius parent and the Gemini child adore learning and the little Gemini will thoroughly enjoy all the exciting stories relayed to him or her by the Sagittarius say nothing of the great adventure holidays to which he or she will be treated. The Gemini child is a curious one and tends to ask questions about everything and anything. He or she will learn a great deal from the Sagittarius parent who appears to know everything. The home of Sagittarius will be brimming with energy and drive. There are likely to be books everywhere on every topic imaginable and constantly ongoing plans for taking exotic and thrilling trips.

Capricorn Parent/Gemini Child: In this combination, the Capricorn parent is likely to be somewhat disappointed in the Gemini child. The little Gemini is light, airy and very inquisitive, moving so fast that you can hardly see him or her go and talking so fast that he or she hardly seems to draw a breath. The Capricorn parent will be looking for long-term, goal-setting, achievement-oriented traits...the Gemini child invariably lacks such qualities. The little Gemini will find any Capricorn parent to be staunch, Victorian-like and something of a "wet blanket" during social occasions. Since the Gemini child will probably sense that he or she is a disappointment to the Capricorn parent, there could easily be a tendency for the little one here to grow up feeling inferior. It is important that the parent in this relationship stand back from any criticism of his or her Gemini offspring and realize that this child is simply different. If the Capricorn parent can overcome disappointment, then he or she can be invaluable in helping to ground the intellectual restless energy of the Gemini child with practical skills. Regardless, it will be necessary for the Capricorn parent to praise the little Gemini for any achievement he or she attains...otherwise, this could result in a very unhappy child who grows to be an adult plagued with doubts and insecurities.

Aquarius Parent/Gemini Child: This combination makes for an exceedingly interesting and rewarding relationship. The Aquarius parent endows the Gemini child with mental vision. The Aquarius adult is a most excellent teacher and the little Gemini is a very eager student. It is a basic quality of the Aquarius nature to seek out new, unique and intellectual exploration. Because of this, the Gemini child, who is interested in all types of information and finds great pleasure in talking, has tremendous respect for the Aquarius adult. The Gemini child bores easily, but that will probably never occur if this little one is raised by an individual who falls under the jurisdiction of Aquarius. The Gemini child usually greatly admires any Aquarius parent and is proud to "show off" such a parent to his or her friends.

Pisces Parent/Gemini Child: This parent/child combination comes with many similarities...both are very restless and changeable, for example. However, there are also many differences. The Gemini child is an inquisitive and chatty individual, more concerned with the mind and thoughts than will be his or her Pisces parent. Gemini tends to analyze everything as though it were part of one large puzzle...examining until he or she completely understands the which point, there will probably be an overwhelming desire on the part of Gemini to change it. Pisces perceives this to be a fruitless and pointless exercise. The Pisces parent wants to blend with experiences...become changed by experiences. The Gemini child, on the other hand, is far from emotional in that respect and dislikes being in such emotional situations. It is possible that the constant chatter of a Gemini child could annoy the Pisces parent, who adores being able to relax and dream undisturbed. Nevertheless, the Pisces parent can help the Gemini child to "go with the flow" and release all the nervous energy associated with this little one. In return, the Gemini child will bring fun and eternal youthfulness into the life of any Pisces parent.

Gemini Female

The Gemini female is symbolic of the modern intelligent woman, questioning every convention and/or tradition. She is fun to know, although sometimes difficult to pin down. Her view of life is quite original and her mental qualities are first-class, but she is blessed with a light touch and is never boring. She likes to try out her ideas in conversation, flitting from one topic to another. Entertaining and amusing others is this female's idea of how to spend a pleasant evening. Still, she never imposes her views upon those around her, however forthright they may be. Perhaps the worse fault associated with this woman is a strange elusiveness that could be interpreted by some as the shelving of responsibility. Charming and lovable, she is not keen to adopt the more serious tasks of life prematurely and is never ready for an early long-term relationship. Indeed, it is preferable that this female remain unattached during her twenties so she can eventually settle down a little later in life with few regrets. The woman governed by this Sign needs constant change in order to be happy and if she is unable to change her scene, then she will change the cast of characters by keeping a variety of friends on a merry-go-round of entertaining...although not usually of a very elaborate scale. As a sweetheart, she is stimulating and never tedious. However, she is frequently somewhat undomesticated...or at least not particularly interested in the practical mechanics of running a household. Indeed, the Gemini woman's ideal home is a place where her family can feel free and relaxed, especially in expressing their individualities. As a mother, she is great fun but not always tolerant. In essence, her patience tends to run out rather quickly.

First and foremost an intellectual, the female ruled by Gemini will maintain her outside activities while in a long-term relationship. Of course, such activities may consume a great amount of time and a partner may resent this diffusion of interests. However, if there is to be harmony in the home, this condition had best be treated with tact. The Gemini woman is often talented in some well-paid line of employment...for she is not the long-suffering type who will work for next-to-nothing. Consequently, she has been referred to as mercenary. Indeed, she does rate herself very highly and demands compensation for her efforts. Refined and meticulous with an abhorrence for untidiness, the female governed by Gemini seldom undertakes her own work, instead directing efficiently and commanding obedience. This is a scintillating, well-informed and worldly soul who shines brightly in society. There is a certain flirtatious nature here but it is usually being employed in order to sharpen the wits and enjoy a battle of words. The common sense and protective instinct of this woman is exceedingly strong and she would never sacrifice a worthwhile relationship for one that she knows to be no more than a little conversational romance.

Gemini Male

The Gemini male likes to travel and see the world. Consequently, it is probably unwise for him to settle down in a long-term relationship too early in life since he will only regret it at a later date. This is an emotionally chargeable man but not a bad-tempered soul. Indeed, the only thing that usually makes this male fractious is lack of sleep. He finds life to be a challenge and is so often exhausted by his own thoughts and emotions that he fails to cope in an efficient manner. Still, his energies are soon reassembled and he goes on with the fascinating business of living and watching others live. Although he may have many sweethearts prior to engaging in a long-term prospect, the Gemini man will devote all his thoughts and energies to pleasing the partner of choice. A fast-thinker who likes to have lots of friends, he prefers a partner who will keep him interested while also keeping him guessing. He also prefers an individual who can share his interests and often strives to keep his mate in the picture where his job is concerned. Because Gemini is the artistic Sign of the Zodiac, this man is probably engaged in a career connected with the Arts in some fashion. Therefore, he will need a relatively intellectual partner. Highly-strung, this is a male who can be passionate but tends to look for the ideal mixture of physical attraction coupled with mental and spiritual awareness in a mate. The man governed by Gemini is capable of adapting well to the character and personality of his partner and will be neither dominating nor demanding in a long-term relationship.

The Gemini male harbors an avid interest in people. He is an interesting and talented soul who is inclined to be flirtatious, but whose wandering fancy should never be taken seriously. Indeed, the man ruled by this Sign is blessed with a great deal of common sense and can close a potentially romantic chapter with more finality than any other male of the Zodiac when he suspects something valuable and dear will be lost to him should he choose to continue. If the man ruled by Gemini could find a partner who was capable of giving direction to his life as well as providing a personalized interest in family life without nagging or stressing this fact too much, then he would undoubtedly be more successful individual.

Gemini Inner Self

Adaptability is the keynote of this Sign. Gemini individuals are not only versatile, but are quick to grasp situations and will act on the spur of the moment, often very effectively. The essence of the Gemini character is expressed in joy, yet there can be moods of dark despair. This Sign is something akin to a house divided against itself, with the twin stars of the ruling constellation endowing the Gemini native with a most perplexing duality, although cases of true split personality are comparatively rare among subjects who fall under the jurisdiction of this Sign. Nonetheless, the Gemini mind does run to contradictions and when Gemini individuals go to such extremes, they manage to make their policy sound plausible (at least to their own satisfaction). Gemini natives are imaginative, generous and affectionate, but their frequent desire for change often makes them dissatisfied with existing conditions. Friends of those born under this influence of this Sign love the cheerfulness, quick wit and lively mind inherent in the Gemini make-up, but are often puzzled by the displays of withdrawal which are also a feature of this Zodiac Sign.

Once the urge toward any given project has lessened or the project itself seems outworn, Gemini individuals will drop it for something more novel or more intriguing. These people are popular and quick to acquire new skills but, as a result, are sometimes content with superficial knowledge and halfway results. They are, nevertheless, clever individuals and can easily cover or excuse their faults without ever intending to correct them. There is a natural talent in Gemini natives for driving a good bargain and while they may be primarily looking out for themselves, they are usually very helpful to others, often giving them ideas and offering them opportunities. In short, due to an insatiable urge to invade new territory, the Gemini individual tends to be free with what he or she does not need or want and may frequently neglect or reject much that could be useful and/or valuable.

Experience means little or nothing to Gemini subjects. They feel sure of themselves without it and on occasion, achievement of ambition may be a prelude to disappointment. Thus, Gemini individuals should use will power to curb the inherent scattering of activity, or it will tell upon them and deny them the contentment that should reward their efforts. If those who fall under the jurisdiction of Gemini are able to find the right niche and concentrate upon that goal, then they are more likely to find happiness. However, Gemini natives are prone to being unconventional and skeptical, possessing the habit of blowing hot and then cold. The friendly attitude of such people may shift to mistrust if problems are encountered, and their keen foresight may suffer through over-enthusiasm, which could lead to allowing real opportunities to languish while they pursue something else. Above all, Gemini natives should never waste what has been gained, for each success is pictured as a building block to something bigger and often, the obstacles that could ruin such hopes are overlooked. In short, those governed by Gemini should make the most of it while they can and remember that alhough they have been born under two lucky stars (instead of just one, like most others), this double luck can run out and result in nothing.

Mercury (Gemini's ruling planet) makes the Gemini personality dominate the looks of such individuals and they possess a fundamental attraction that is sometimes translated as personality, sometimes sex-appeal and sometimes leadership. Mercury is also responsible for Gemini's love of places, new people and new scenes all appeal to the Gemini individual as much as do new ideas. Gemini subjects receive stimulation from the world around them...rather like a butterfly which reaches out its sensitive antennae. This is transposed by Gemini (for the benefit of others less fortunate) into words, descriptions and joyful gossip. However, it is important for Gemini individuals to be in touch with those who understand them. If not, then there is a tendency to wilt and undergo an intellectual suffering that few will be able to fully comprehend. Gemini's reach for the perfect human relationship will probably mean that such an individual is constantly disappointed until he or she realizes that there truly is no such thing as a "perfect relationship." Indeed, it may be Gemini's secret fear that he or she will never find a true "soul-mate" for life.

Perhaps the worst fault of a Gemini individual is to shirk responsibility. There is a tendency here to want everything to go smoothly and according to plan without any personal effort. The emotions of Gemini natives can lead to exhaustion and worry without actually getting on with the job. The greatest Gemini talent is the effect this character has on others...and he or she must always be in contact with others. Gemini individuals need constant feedback for the good of their souls. While disappointment in the reactions of others may make Gemini natives sulk for a period of time, they do not harbor a grudge and so tend to keep their wide circle of friends. In addition, Gemini individuals usually have a very good vocabulary and an originality of expression when talking, coupled with an amusingly biased outlook on varying human situations. With regard to serious issues, however, Gemini is invariably scrupulously fair and unbiased. Those born under this Zodiac Sign should follow their twin stars by keeping the wide range of their interests alive. It is important that no stagnation be allowed to occur. It is also important for Gemini natives to curb the temptation to dissipate energy through having too many trivial interests and becoming disorganized...notes should be kept, lists should be composed and plans should be carefully laid. Unfortunately, this is often difficult for the mercurial-natured Gemini individual to accomplish.

In business, Gemini persons fit almost anywhere. They are good salesmen, promoters and often successful speculators. They do equally as well in advertising, publishing, television, transportation and other fields where they must keep up with modern trends. As teachers, writers, artists and politicians, Gemini individuals possess both the right attitude and aptitute to succeed. In business associations, Gemini tends to work well with Taurus, for persons born under that Sign of the Zodiac are usually receptive to Gemini notions and will have the stamina to see them through. The balanced nature of Libra and the straight-shooting qualities of Sagittarius make both of these Signs good business partners for those governed by Gemini. One of the strongest business combinations, however, is that of versatile Gemini and conservative Cancer since, in this instance, the latter serves strictly as a counter-balance rather than a "drag."

Gemini The Twins

Gemini the Twins : May 23 - June 21

Who is fond of life and jest and pleasure?

Who vacillates and changes ever?

Who loves attention without measure?

Why Gemini!

Gemini is the Third Sign of the Zodiac, associated with storytellers, communicators and youth. This Sign is symbolized by Twins who are, in and of themselves, their own representatives since no particular animal appears to be associated to this Sign of the Zodiac, with the possible exception of the wolf and its connection to the nurturing of Romulus and Remus, mythologic founders of Rome. In Egypt, Gemini was once known as the "Two Stars," named for Castor and Pollux which are the two brightest celestial bodies within the constellation. These stars have also been formerly referred to as "Hercules and Apollo," and "Triptolemus and Iasion." The Egyptians were inclined to illustrate Gemini by using the images of two baby goats as opposed to the human figures which are commonly used in modern times. Dominated by the planet Mercury, the planet of speed, Gemini individuals have a joy of expression, a quick mind and a certain sparkle which will always help them toward their goals in life. Gemini subjects are the Zodiac's lovers of language...the poets, the bards and the wordsmiths and verbal magicians. Those born under the Sign of Here, the inherent intellectual gifts often bring great success with no true effort, but Gemini natives are usually hard put to sustain it. Thus, these individuals should strive to learn perseverence and cultivate depth. They need to aspire to substance as well as style, attempting to take themselves...and their words...more seriously.

The symbol...or glyph...of Gemini resembles the Roman numeral II. It is representative of twins, as well as the possibility of choice between good and evil. In Vedic Astrology, this glyph symbolizes the manifestation of the Spirit as it enters the phase of duality. As thought reflects the subject...the object expression of Spirit...the glyph becomes an apt representation of the divison of Spirit and is indicative of polarity. Within the material world or manifested state, all things oscillate between the positive and negative...up and down...right and and out, etc. The two vertical lines are also said to represent, as division, the male and the female. Thus, in a sense, the act of reproduction is governed first by Gemini.

Also known as the Sign of the Artist or Inventor, Gemini is Positive in polarity (as are Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). However, Positive Signs rarely display the same levels of sensitivity or the same depth of understanding of emotional subtleties as do their Negative counterparts. Positive Signs tend to crave excitement and thus, are inclined to direct their energies outward into the world around them. Aries is the most flagrantly extrovert of the Positive Signs (with Sagittarius a close second).

All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Fire and Air are considered to be Masculine in nature. Thus, Gemini (ruled by Air) is considered Masculine (as are Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Masculine signs are traditionally conceived as being more active and less receptive than their Feminine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Earth and Water (the Zodiac Signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Masculine Signs focus primarily on spirituality and activity...both in the physical sense and mental sense. Masculine Signs are said to be diurnal or day-oriented. Therefore, the term "masculine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yang (or bright) Polarity of the Tao.

Gemini is the natural ruler of the Third House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Communication" and known is Vedic Astrology as the "Place of the Goddess of the Moon." This is the field which challenges an individual to organize personal experiences in order to form a unique picture of the world and then communicate those perceptions to others. It corresponds to the "little world" which includes an individual's neighborhood, local bank and post office, for example. The Third House operates basically on "automatic pilot," allowing the performance of routine tasks without any conscious thought. Traditionally, this house is associated with siblings, basic education, hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity and communication short, many of the automatic skills learned during childhood and taken for granted in adult life. The Third House is governed by the Planet Mercury (which is also Planetary Ruler of the Sixth House).

The opposite sign to Gemini is Saggitarius. From Saggitarius, Gemini can learn to absorb a broader view of life and provide structure to the mass of information which is inherently collected. Thus, can Gemini natives learn to discover the truth.

Positive Traits: adaptable, versatile, intellectual, communicative, spontaneous, eloquent, youthful, lively, talkative, amusing, witty and logical.

Negative Traits: changeable, restless, inquisitive, inconsistent, superficial, cunning, nervous, tense and something of a gossip.

Likes: talking, novelty, variety, anything unusual and working on multiple projects at the same time.

Dislikes: being alone, being in a rut, mental inaction, conventional learning and feeling tied down.

Spiritual Goal: To learn how to cooperate
Spiritual Correspondence: The Thrones
Apostle: James the Younger
Prophet: Zecharia
Anatomy: Rules the arms, shoulders, lungs and nervous system
Corresponding Tarot Card: The Lovers
Associated Countries: United States of America, Switzerland and Wales
Associated Cities: London, Melbourne and San Francisco
Animals: Small Birds, Parrots, Magpies, Butterflies and Monkeys
Watchword: Versatility
Keynote: Variety
Physical Manifestation: Expansion or Contraction
Mental Manifestation: Joy or Sorrow
Motto: My Thoughts Are Winged
Quote: I Think

Gemini Owner - Pet Compatibility

Aries Pet

GEMINI OWNER: This is a marvellous combination and the Gemini human will have a great deal of fun with the Aries pet...after all, fun is what both pet and human are seeking. Whatever the Gemini human is up to, he or she must be sure to let the Aries pet "in on it," as long as it is not too mental in nature...after all, the Aries pet is more inclined toward physical activities such as a hike in the mountains, for example, or a run on the beach. The Gemini human will enjoy such pursuits, but he or she is also highly active in a mental sense and it will be important for this human not to forget about the Aries pet while engaging on a frivolous mental journey.

Taurus Pet

GEMINI OWNER: The Gemini human may expect more from a Taurus pet that the pet can (or chooses to) deliver. The human here is likely to want to teach the pet a myriad of tricks, but the chances are, the pet will refuse to budge. Taurus natives of any species tend to be very set, whereas Gemini natives are very flexible. However, since both Taurus and Gemini are basically good-natured souls, one will eventually give in...and it will most likely be the human.

Gemini Pet

GEMINI OWNER: This will be a truly magnificent partnership..a pair of souls who are constantly getting into all manner of mischief together. The Gemini human will teach the Gemini pet some tricks and, in turn, the Gemini pet may even teach the Gemini human a trick or two. With both the human and the pet here being on the same mental and physical planes, each will prove to be a great energizer for the other. In short, the Gemini human and the Gemini pet are extremely similar in character and the pet is likely to possess something of a sense of humor (many animals do). Each will feed off the other in this combination and life will be a round of almost endless fun.

Cancer Pet

GEMINI OWNER: The Gemini human may not have the patience...or the time...for the emotional needs of a Cancer pet. By nature, Gemini subjects (regardless of species) are not big on affection whereas Cancer subjects (regardless of species) are just the opposite. The Cancer pet would simply adore being caressed or stroked forever, but the Gemini human's idea of "forever" is probably around ten seconds. Thus, the kind of attention this human would be willing to give a pet governed by the Moon is not in keeping with this pet's inherent desires. Unless there is another human in the household who can "mother" the Cancer pet, then the Gemini human must try to muster a little more affection than he or she is used to giving, or allow the Cancer pet to be adopted by someone who is prepared to shower the little soul with affection. Of course, it would be infinitely preferable if the Gemini human and Cancer pet never embark on the relationship to begin with since they are totally incompatible.

Leo Pet

GEMINI OWNER: Human and pet here should get along wonderfully, as long as the Gemini human defers to the Leo pet...or at least makes the pet believe such is happening. Fire (the Leo pet) and air (the Gemini human) always work and play well together. Both possess plenty of energy and stamina. In addition, since both characters tend to be playful together, there is little danger of one rubbing the other the wrong way. However, it is important that the Leo pet not be agitated by the Gemini human. These pets have no problem in letting their human know when he or she is out of line, which could result in a bite or a peck if the Gemini human fails to live up to the Leo pet's high standards of respect.

Virgo Pet

GEMINI OWNER: A Gemini human will communicate famously with his or her Virgo pet. The pet here will be quick to understand and respond to requests, to say nothing of carrying them out in a dutiful manner at all times. Occasionally, however, the Gemini human may come to annoy the demure Virgo pet who, for the most part, prefers to be left alone rather than incessantly "needled" by the mischievous Gemini human. Nonetheless, all in all, the two temperaments here are relatively well suited to each other.

Libra Pet

GEMINI OWNER: The Gemini human should experience no problems whatsoever with a Libra pet since both pet and human here resonate to the same music. Both are more mental than physical...yet, there will be no resistance from the Libra pet should the Gemini human wish to go for a skip around the block, particularly if there are other "creatures" out there with whom the pet can socialize. This combination makes for a strong camaraderie in both a mental and physical sense. The energies will flow smoothly and there should rarely, if ever, be any snags in this relationship.

Scorpio Pet

GEMINI OWNER: The comination of a Gemini human with a Scorpio pet will, at the very least, be an interesting one, particularly since it is inherent in the Scorpio nature of all species to control things. It is lucky that the Gemini character is not normally a demanding one, thus resulting in next-to-no friction in this relationship. The Scorpio pet will do whatever he or she wishes to do...and when he or she wishes to do it. It may be that the pet here appears to be too mellow for the Gemini human but, in actuality, the Scorpio pet is right on top of things, quietly checking everything to ensure that all is in order. Scorpio pets tends to be smarter than most humans realize and will perceive his or her Gemini human as someone who indulges in frivolous and senseless behavior. This pet truly has no use for any interaction involving learning tricks or playing "fetch." In truth, he or she feels far too superior for such activities. The best thing a Gemini human can do with a Scorpio pet is simply to allow the pet to do his or her "own thing."

Sagittarius Pet

GEMINI OWNER: A Sagittarius pet will be the dream companion for a Gemini human. In short, this is a perfect combination. There is not much more that can be added to the above statements, except to say that this pairing could very easily become the best of friends.

Capricorn Pet

GEMINI OWNER: There is probably only one thing in common between a Gemini human and Capricorn pet...neither is particularly warm or affectionate. This is not to say that neither pet nor human have feelings...just that both prefer not to expose such feelings. In a more positive sense, there will be no "locking of horns" here. It is inherent in the Capricorn nature (regardless of species) to be very determined and unswerving in personal desires. The Gemini character (regardless of species) tends to be bored very easily and can quickly change from one interest to another. Thus, this is where a Gemini human and Capricorn pet may not see eye-to-eye. The Capricorn pet may spend hours trying to locate something and refuse to give up until the object is found...for a dog, this could be a buried bone, or for a cat, a particularly elusive mouse. If the Gemini human has other items on the agenda which also include the Capricorn pet, then the human may have a hard time tearing the pet away from his or her extremely important and self-imposed task. Since it is also inherent in the Capricorn nature to run things, it will not be easy to sway this pet away from what he or she wishes to do.

Aquarius Pet

GEMINI OWNER: An Aquarius pet could prove to be a lot of fun for the Gemini human. Although Aquarius is a "fixed" sign and Gemini is a "mutable" sign, both pet and human are governed by air...which means they have similar tendencies, likes and dislikes. Both the Gemini human and Aquarius pet will operate on nervous energy, so neither is likely to tire out the other. It could well be that the Aquarius pet is not as focused as the Gemini human would like, but the human cannot fail to enjoy the fun-loving and friendly manner of an Aquarius pet. However, since neither pet nor human tend to get overly-friendly, neither will infringe upon the other and there will be a fair amount of attention given on both sides without either expecting much more. In short, both the Aquarius pet and Gemini human are capable of entertaining themselves...or each other...while still maintaining a relatively health distance.

Pisces Pet

GEMINI OWNER: A Pisces pet may not be spunky enough for the energetic Gemini human. All Pisces natives (regardless of species) require a soothing in which the energy level is low and the level of tenderness is high. The reverse is usually true for Gemini natives (again, regardless of species). Thus, the Gemini human will probably not receive from a Pisces pet what the human here would like...spontaneity, vivaciousness and alertness, for example...and the pet may feel deprived of what he or she needs as well...lots of affection, a quiet environment and, most of all, an attentive and loving human.

Gemini Pet - Owner Compatibility

ARIES OWNER: This is a good combination for both pet and human. The energy between these two will run high and there is a naturally strong bonding. The Gemini pet will be eager to accompany the Aries human on any venture the human is willing to share with his or her companion...particularly if it involves the outdoors or the learning of new tricks.

TAURUS OWNER: This combination is likely to be both interesting and nerve-wracking. Since the Gemini pet operates on an abundance of nervous energy and the Taurus human is likely to be more grounded, the pet here is sure to give the human a run for his or her money. The Gemini pet will probably want to be constantly entertained, either by a variety of toys, learning new tricks or expecting constant human attention. Since the Taurus human would undoubtedly prefer to "stay put," he or she may sometimes feel somewhat frazzled by the Gemini pet...especially if the pet happens to be a dog, bird or monkey.

GEMINI OWNER: This will be a truly magnificent partnership..a pair of souls who are constantly getting into all manner of mischief together. The Gemini human will teach the Gemini pet some tricks and, in turn, the Gemini pet may even teach the Gemini human a trick or two. With both the human and the pet here being on the same mental and physical planes, each will prove to be a great energizer for the other. In short, the Gemini human and the Gemini pet are extremely similar in character and the pet is likely to possess something of a sense of humor (many animals do). Each will feed off the other in this combination and life will be a round of almost endless fun.

CANCER OWNER: The human here is likely to need a lot more attention from the Gemini pet than he or she is probably going to receive. By nature, Gemini natives of all species (including humans) are very frivolous souls who refuse to take things too seriously and do not require (or give) much in the way of affection. Since it is inherent in the Cancer character to be needy, moody, sedate and affectionate, the nervous, very active and inattentive Gemini pet will be far from an ideal choice.

LEO OWNER: This combination will undoubtedly prove to be a good one. The Gemini pet is as flexible as the Leo human and will likely comform to whatever the Leo human suggests...which is exactly how the Leo human likes things to be. The human here will enjoy the pet's yielding manner, to say nothing of the pet's constant sense of fun and frivolity. In short, the Gemini pet will share the Leo human's enthusiasm for adventure and will prove to be a magnificent companion in any variety of activities that the Leo human chooses to undertake.

VIRGO OWNER: Even though the temperaments of the Virgo human and the Gemini pet may not be perfectly matched, these two are likely to share some scintillating moments and the Virgo human is flexible enough to indulge the Gemini pet's desire for short, sweet games and romps. However, the Gemini pet may not have the patience to sit around watching the Virgo human engage in homely activities. Virgo natives like to teach and Gemini subjects are eager to learn, so this is probably where pet and human in this instance will connect the most. The more things the Virgo human can teach to his or her Gemini pet, then the happier both will be and the healthier the relationship. Lack of this type of interaction will probably result in both pet and human driving each other crazy.

LIBRA OWNER: Both pet and human here are air signs, which is favorable for general compatability, but the Libra human will be more sedentary than the Gemini pet who, more often than not, is likely to be very active. There will be some common ground on an actively mental level which will aid communcation between the two, and the Gemini pet will enjoy the endless tricks that the Libra human will tirelessly teach, so both pet and human will enjoy some type of intangible link...although the Libra human is not likely to be able to pinpoint the exact nature of the bond.

SCORPIO OWNER: The Scorpio human will likely tolerate a Gemini pet in the same manner as a babysitter tolerates whoever he or she is babysitting. The human here will appreciate the playful demeanor of the pet up to a point...or until the Scorpio human has "had enough," and it almost goes without saying that once Scorpio natives have "had enough," then it truly is "enough." The Gemini pet will not present much trouble to the Scorpio human when it comes to being disciplined. As much as the pet will enjoy being frivolous and mischievous, the Gemini pet is also a fast learner...particularly with strong-minded humans such as Scorpio. Still, when all is said and done, the Scorpio human will appreciate the Gemini pet for punctuating his or her days with moments of gaiety and lightheartedness.

SAGITTARIUS OWNER: This is a remarkably good combination of pet and human...a pair who will take to each other from the moment they first meet. There is a marvellous chemistry here...temperaments, energy levels and interests all knit very nicely, and there will constantly be fun times because both the Sagittarius human and the Gemini pet are playful by nature.

CAPRICORN OWNER: If the Capricorn human is a carefree soul (which is really something of a contradiction), then he or she may enjoy a frivolous Gemini pet. If not, then a Gemini pet might be exactly what the Capricorn human needs in any event. This pet might actually make the Capricorn human smile...or even laugh...and may encourage this human to get out of a rut by proving that life really can be fun. Although this combination may not be temperamentally suited, there could still be a "certain something" in the relationship to make for good friends. One thing both have in common is that neither tends to emote very much. The Gemini pet will be expressive, at least, but not particularly affectionate. The Capricorn human is not even very expressive and rarely displays affection. However, on the other hand, pet and human here may only rub each other the wrong way in a figurative sense. The pet will be too active and expressive for the Capricorn human...the human (never wanting to go for a walk or indulge in play) will be too "stodgy" for the Gemini pet. In short, this is possibly a good combination...but not one which is likely to turn out very satisfactorily for either.

AQUARIUS OWNER: This combination will indeed prove to be be a fun relationship. Both pet and human operate principally on nervous energy and can frolic almost constantly without tiring each other out. Although the human here is a "fixed" sign and the pet is a "mutable" sign, both are governed by air...which means they have similar tendencies, likes and dislikes. In addition, both Aquarius human and Gemini pet prefer not to get too friendly, so neither will infringe upon the other. There will be a fair amount of attention displayed on both sides, but neither pet nor human will expect much more than what is given. In short, the Aquarius human and the Gemini pet are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves...or each other...while maintaining a relatively healthy distance.

PISCES OWNER: Allthough the Pisces human is likely to be constantly amused by the Gemini pet's spunk, agility and intelligence, he or she may not possess the "wherewithal" to go along with everything that the Gemini nature needs to express. The Gemini pet is very active...both physically and mentally...and will always be looking for something "fun" to do with much eagerness and impatience. The nature of the Pisces human is more in keeping with "lying low" and not indulging in anything too active. At best, this will be something of a "run-of-the-mill" relationship for both pet and human.

Gemini Dog

The Gemini Dog will be restless, versatile, exuberant and many other things as well...all at the same time. He or she is easily able to communicate feelings (whatever such feelings might be) and will soon have any owner well-trained. This split-personality dog is, in essence, an eternal puppy, quickly bored and requiring constant attention. Physically, the Gemini Dog is likely to be slightly underweight due to the fact that he or she goes everywhere "at the double." An alert and graceful creature, the nervous energy of the Gemini Dog enables this canine to keep going all day, should the need arise...and even when there is no need. However, the minute the Gemini Dog is asked to undertake anything boring or mundane, he or she will be overcome by nervous exhaustion and collapse into a shivering, twitching, hyperventilating wreck. A puppy governed by Gemini is sure to bring chaos into any home. To this little soul, everything will be new...the house, the people, the garden...and the happy pup will be more than content to explore, anxious to learn everything about his or her new surroundings and those with whom he or she is going to be living. The length of this "Indian Summer" will depend upon every variable that could possibly be imagined...the number of rooms, number of people and size of the garden, to name but a few. In short, a Gemini Dog oozes charm and it is not long before he or she will have the entire family (and most of the neighborhood) wrapped around his or her dew-claw.

The Gemini Dog is difficult to train, firmly believing that he or she knows what is best. However, if the impatience of a Gemini Dog can be overcome, then an owner will soon be able to teach this canine an entire battery of tricks...anything from "playing dead" to somersaulting through flaming hoops...for this is a dog who loves to "show off." With fleet-footed Mercury as his or her Ruling Planet, the Gemini Dog is one of the Zodiac's fastest runners and not surprisingly, any Greyhound born under the influence of this Sign is likely to enjoy much success at the race track. It is important to note that the only time an owner will be absolutely sure of the whereabouts of the Gemini Dog is when he or she is attached by a leash. The remainder of the time, it will be anyone's guess. Much like the "Elephant's Child," who always wanted to know more, this canine will be inquisitive and inquiring. The Gemini Dog thrives in new environments and will love it if the owner boards him or her with a friend for a few days. However, it is an unfortunate fact that this is a dog who tends not to be overly-faithful and given the opportunity, may well run away forever.

It takes the strength of personality found in a Leo native to help the Gemini Dog become more decisive, and a natural sympathy between the two usually ensures compatability. Aquarius owners, being broad-minded enough to allow things to follow their natural course, will also find the Gemini Dog to be a suitable pet.

Gemini Cat

Gemini is the Sign of the kitten-cat...the exaggeratedly playful feline who is fickle and indecisive to the point of distraction. Blessed with the gift of eternal youth, this cat will fritter away his or her life in a muddled confusion of comings and goings...ditherings and datherings...for this is the born explorer of the cat world. The Gemini Cat is a highly intellectual creature but lacks the ability to make much sense, twittering and squawking at owners most of the time. This feline is a lively and enthusiastic cat, but possesses something of a split personality, which only serves to further complicate an already complex character. It is not often that the feline species will obey a human command, but many Gemini Cats seem to be the exception. Being the most communicative Sign of the Zodiac, these felines appear to actually understand the human language and may even "meow" back as if in answer. Though adverse to being restrained for such basic tasks as baths and nail-clipping, the intelligent nature of the Gemini Cat will allow an owner to prevail...provided the nasty experience is supplemented with loving praise and a favored treat. Physically, the Gemini Cat will always stand out as the cat with two optical illusion which arises from the ceaselessly agile movements and restless gestures. A highly-strung, hyperactive soul, this feline possesses small features and brightly-eager eyes that are constantly on the move. Gemini Cats are sleek and long-limbed, blessed with probably the most acute eyesight of their species. The actions of this feline will always be erratic. He or she advances in short, quick flits which stop as suddenly as they started. Then, this feline will be off at a tangent from his or her original direction. Problems often surface when this cat is expected to do something that he or she does not want to do...perhaps stay inside at night, for example. Under such circumstances, the Gemini Cat will respond by collapsing in a heap of nervous exhaustion, refusing to move and expecting to be waited on hand-and-paw until the restriction is lifted. Being exceptionally bright creatures, the Gemini Cat will soon learn how to open any cat-flap.

The Gemini Cat views the home as one glorious adventure playground created especially for his or her enjoyment. This feline will cavort endlessly, sliding down banisters and climbing up curtains, but hardly ever sits still long enough for a cuddle. It is hard to believe that just one cat could cover so much ground and create such widespread destruction in a 24-hour span as can the Gemini Cat...but he or she is only doing what comes naturally. In general, the Gemini Cat is a charmer...a true social success capable of winning over even the most fervent cat-hater. The fun-loving nature and bubbly personality of this feline makes for a thoroughly entertaining pet...provided the owner can cope with the chaos which is sure to follow in his or her wake and is prepared to provide plenty of emotional support. The ancient astrologers made Gemini the ruler of sparrows, so any owner should be prepared for this feline to drop the occasional dead offering at his or her feet.

The Gemini Cat truly comes into his or her own when living with a Libra owner and the infectious happiness will be quite obvious. Though Libra is nowhere near as flippant as Gemini, these two signs will share a rather lively relationship. The second-best choice for an owner of the Gemini Cat would probably be an Aquarius native, provided water does not comes into play too often. This feline finds it easy to make friends with most animals, including dogs, and simply adores the companionship of other cats.